Thank You And Goodbye From Inez And Laura

The Summer Fete was the last event for Laura and I in our capacity as Vice Chair and Chair as we conclude our two year tenure. Laura's daughter now heads off to Secondary school as does my eldest son, however I'll be helping at events as my youngest continues through Crescent. Louisa Hosegood now steps in as Chair while our fabulous treasurer David Thomson continues in his role. 

It really has been a privilege and a joy to be at the helm of FOC for the past two years. We feel extremely lucky to be able to be present at the events and to see the children's faces as they take part. We have some wonderful memories to take with us and some funny ones!

It really does take a village to organise these things though and we couldn't do it without the wonderful parent volunteers who turn up to help in all manner of ways - from pulling out a carrot 90 times at the Christmas Bazaar to towing a trailer onto the field containing the bouncy castles!  We have also been very lucky to have a close working relationship with the school; notably Mr Thackway, Mrs Webb and Ms Forth along with 'the two Claire's' and Mr Knowles from the Support Staff team all of whom are extremely tolerant of our requests and have our gratitude!

Our final plea (we can't go without asking more of you all!) is that if you can ever help at an event please do so. Even if it's for 25 minutes it makes such a difference and it really is fun! 

Have a lovely summer holidays

Inez and Laura

Hello From Louisa - New Foc Chair

I’m Louisa and I’ve been around at school a couple of years now, my two girls are very happy here and have always enthusiastically joined in FoC events.

The FoC is about three key things for me:

  • memory making
  • charity
  • community

Seeing smiling children and knowing you’re supporting others is a real privilege and I’m looking forward to working with fellow parents and school alike to really make a difference. 

Louisa Hosegood
FoC Chair

FoC Summer Fete Update

What another fantastic fete we had! It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves at the stalls and bouncy castles. It was also great to make use of the Traversing Wall (which FOC funded!). 

As a result of Beat the Goalie we were able to donate £93 to Birmingham Children's Hospital, while the Teddy Bear Rehoming Stall raised £86 for the World Wildlife Fund. The other proceeds will be reinvested into something that benefits the pupils in the new school year.  

Huge thanks to everyone who helped make it happen - from the parent volunteers to the teachers and support staff - it really can't take place without you!

FoC Chair


Thank You Chris - School Crossing Patrol

On behalf of the FoC Sam O presented Chris, our wonderful School Crossing Patrol with a gift today to say thank you for getting us all safely across the road.

Thank you Chris.

Crescent School