
U9's Midlands ISA Cricket Tournament

Crescent U9's cricket team continued the school's truly amazing record at sporting competitions this year with a fantastic performance at the Midlands ISA, bringing back even more medals for Mrs McCollin's already bulging trophy cabinet!

The team began the tournament incredibly strongly, blowing away St Anselm's, OVS 'B' and Dixie in the morning group stages, finishing top of their group with some fantastic team batting, bowling and fielding displays. Crescent then continued this super form into the afternoon with a very hard-fought 5-run semi-final victory over a talented Ranby House side, a combination of big hits and clever batting seeing us home and into the final.

Unfortunately Crescent could not repeat this in the final game against the only other unbeaten team on the day, the OVS 'A' bowling display proving simply too powerful and clinical for our batters. The whole team should be incredibly proud of their performances, their superb improvement and finishing as the 2nd best side in the whole of the Midlands!

Our star bowlers of the day were Tomisin and Isabella who got more accurate and more deadly with every single ball, and our star batter was Thomas for his HUGE sixes!

Mr Adkins and Mrs Calder

Year 4 Girls Cricket v King Henry VIII

The U9 girls enjoyed a home cricket game on Tuesday evening taking on King Henry VIII in a pairs cricket match. Crescent won the toss and selected to field first before heading in to bat. A strong Henry's side saw them add 102 runs in their 10 overs, with a strong opening pair putting 46 runs in the first 2 overs. 

All of the Crescent girls worked hard managing to add 62 runs to their total, with a number of 6s and 4s. The girls listened well to advice being coached throughout the game and worked well as a team, showing great team spirit and development in a lovely game.  

A great experience for all. Well done to all involved, representing the school in true Crescent Spirit. 

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games

Primary School Athletics Championships

Crescent took 22 pupils from Years 4 and 5 to the Rugby Schools' Athletics Championships at The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Track on a very hot and sunny Friday 21 June.

Pupils competed in the High Jump, Long Jump, Throw, 75m Sprint, 600m and team relays.

Together the children brought home 12 medals across a range of all disciplines, a super effort from them all at this always competitive event. 

The children have all worked hard on improving their athletic skills this term and were brilliant in their events.

Rugby and Northampton Athletics Club were extremely impressed with a number of our athletes and have offered some free coaching sessions to; Roisin, Henry,  Zac  in Year 5 and Ava, Amber, Lilah, Thomas, Tomisin and Kian G in Year 4 over the summer holidays. 

A huge well done to everyone who took part, you were a credit to the school. 


Year 5:

  • Roisin - Gold in HJ and 600m 
  • Henry -  Gold in HJ 
  • Zac - Gold in Howler Throw 

Year 4:

  • Ava - Gold in LJ and 75m Sprint 
  • Thomas - Gold in 600m and LJ
  • Tomisin - Gold in 75m Sprint and Silver in LJ 
  • Lilah - Gold in Howler 
  • Kian - Silver in Howler 
  • Amber  - Silver in 600m 
Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games