Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

With just three school days left in the term I hope that your plans for the summer break are coming together nicely. I have a couple of trips planned for the summer, starting with a cycling route to the volcanoes of the Auvergne with the tent on the back of the bike. After that, we have a week in Brittany with two of my three children coming along, so it will be great to get most of the gang back together again. My oldest son James is sailing across the Atlantic on a fruit cargo ship to the Caribbean as part of his Royal Navy training. So not a holiday for James, but it still sounds pretty cool to me.

At this time of year, there is always another big event to attend as a parent and I hope you have all taken the opportunity to come in and feel part of the school community over the last couple of weeks. Highlights this week have included the Reception trip to the Butterfly Farm followed by their Sports Day on Wednesday, as well as move-up morning, open book afternoon and Welcome Evening yesterday. The Year 6 performance of Midsummer Night's Dream on Tuesday was truly dreamlike and an emotional occasion in many ways for parents and staff alike.

There's still plenty to come over the next few days, so keep a sharp eye on the Courier and calendar and I hope that you manage to be in the right place at the right time.

The children in Year 6 have had quite a week of it this week as their Community Week has reached new heights this year. From first aid courses to taking potted plants round to the local retirement homes and hosting picnics with their Reception buddies, they have had something engaging and interesting to look forward to every single day of the week. I do hope they get a chance to say a proper thank you to Mrs Webb for bringing this whole programme together. Being a good citizen is at the very heart of our School Promise and something I hope all children take with them when they leave this place.

I like the look of the weather forecast this weekend, warm but a little fresher than the early part of this week. I hope you get to enjoy it with your family and I look forward to catching up with you before the end of term.

With all best wishes.

Joe Thackway