Important Information

Co-Curricular Clubs Finished For The Term

Co-Curricular has now come to an end for this term.

Sign up links for next term will be sent out in early August.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Final Year 6 Reminders

We are now on the final few days of Year 6.

Please send a large 'shopper' type bag in on Monday as we start to send all of their books and belongings home.

On Wednesday the children should be wearing their school uniform with blazers (not games kit). They can wear a white T-shirt/sports shirt for the morning over their unifrom that can be signed by their peers and staff. They must ensure they use pens that do not come through onto their uniform (they do need to provide their own) as we like them to look smart for their Leavers' Service in the afternoon.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Handwriting Pens For Upper School

Dear Parents

Just a little reminder about the pens we expect the children in Upper School to have from this September. Each child will have different preferences, so we are recommending a range of pens for the children to have in school from Year 4. In Year 3 they are awarded a pen licence which comes with its own pen (Berol handwriting pen).

The options we expect to see in school are:

  • Parker or Lamy Fountain pen
  • Berol Handwriting pen
  • Staedtler Handwriting pen
  • Uniball Micro Air Rollerball pen
  • Uniball Eye Rollerball pen

These are all to be used with blue ink only. Please do not buy pens that have an erasable rubber- making mistakes is very much part of their learning.

Each child is an individual and certain pens will suit your child more than others. We have been specific as we feel this will be of help to you and beneficial to the children and their work. They should not be using biros at all in any of their schoolwork and fine liners are only allowed for additional presentation of work.

Thank you for your support with this. We look forward to seeing all the new pens (named of course) next term.

Best wishes

Ms Clark/Mrs Yates
Head of English/SENDCo

Book Amnesty

Please can all school books be returned to school by Monday 1 July, please check under beds, on bookcases and in bags as it does make a difference to our school stocks.

It is a nice idea to use your local book shops and your library if you want a good choice of books to enjoy together over the holidays.

Thank you.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Accelerated Reading Final Quiz

The final day for quizzing will be Monday 1 July, as we need a couple of days to analyse the data to help ensure progression and set up for the next academic year.

Children cannot quiz in the holidays but please do not let this deter you from reading, as reading for pleasure is very important and one of our English aims.

Please use your local book shops and your library if you want a good choice of books.

Thank you all for the support with reading this year.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head