Around The Classes

Class 3SS And 3LS Art

Classes 3SS and 3LS have been creating their clay maquettes. They looked carefully at the shape of their original designs and tried hard to add interesting textures. The results look fantastic!

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Class 4C English

The children have been working on a ‘Big Book of Fears’ class scrapbook, inspired by Emily Gravett’s book of a similar title. Having recently learnt how to write recounts, they applied their learning to write a short recount of how they each developed a fear that still haunts them today! They wrote about spiders, boats, cockroaches, blood, getting lost and more.   

Ms Clark
Class 4C English Teacher

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Class 4C Sustainability

Class 4C have been offering solutions to reduce plastic use, so there is less need to recycle or reuse or discard. They have produced posters, pamphlets or handy card booklets with tips such as 'use canvas shopping bags', 'don't use a bag for fruit and vegetables', 'use metal straws' and 'use a water bottle of tap water'. Pupils are horrified at the amount of plastic being dumped in landfill and much of it ending up in the sea. Watch the clip that got 4C thinking: How Much Plastic Is In Our Oceans?- Earth Unplugged (

Ms Forth
Class 4C Maths Teacher

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Class 5F Geography

Year 5 have been busy over the last week preparing for their debate on traffic management called 'Trouble in the High Street'. They will be presenting their speeches and posters next week to the town council of Crossford, their fictional town, otherwise know as the good burghers of Year 6.

Is the best solution better traffic management or a new pedestrian zone? Only the town council can decide. 

Joe Thackway

Class 5F History

This week in history, Class 5F completed their projects focusing on sources of evidence and their reliability by answering the question 'Were the evacuees in WW2 really happy?'

They had to define the terms 'propaganda' and 'censorship' and relate them to the communications from the British government to the country regarding the safety of evacuees. They did an amazing job.

Mrs Symons
Head of History
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Class 6W Art

Class 6W created different block prints of their drawings of trainers. They experimented with different colours to print these fantastic Pop Art style pictures.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

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Class 6W Maths

As Class 6W come to the end of term, we have been taking time to extend different mathematical skills, particularly in logical thinking and creative geometry. Pupils have drawn parabolas, cuspid circles and pursuit curves where you only draw straight lines, but they create a visual illusion of a curve. In the domino challenge pupils had to fit 0-10 dominos together in squares of four so that the rows and columns were the same total. Our best amount of sets this time was seven!

Ms Forth
Class 6W Maths Teacher

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