Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...

Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man have been our focus texts. We have joined in with repeated refrains and written personal responses to the stories. We have talked about alternative characters and story endings.

We have had fun exploring halves in maths. We have looked at halves of numbers to 10 (linking to doubles) and halves of common shapes. We have introduced sharing and used key vocabulary such as amount, same, equal, half and fair.

In PSED we have talking about the qualities of a good friend and treating others as we would like to be treated.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...

The next traditional tales we will be using is The Three Little Pigs. We will be exploring story settings and the use of speech bubbles.

We will be revisiting time in Maths. We’ll be practising the months of the year and using clocks to read and show o’clock and half past times.

We will be moving on to capital letters in handwriting.

In phonics we have been revising digraphs & trigraphs;

oo          ar           or            ur           ow             oi            ear

How to help your child at home...

  • Share different versions of traditional tales - ask the children to try and read a page or two and identify familiar words
  • Encourage children to use expression when reading aloud
  • Continue to practise writing using cursive letters - make the purpose of writing as much fun as possible (e.g.  a message in a birthday card) Make connections between capital and lower case letters
  • Practice simple addition and subtraction problems using real life scenarios
  • Practice doubling and halving numbers
  • Practically explore sharing with a teddy bears picnic
  • Talk about the materials that are used in our homes and their properties - are they natural or human-made?

What’s going on in the coming weeks/ notices/ information

  • Please make sure all items coming into school are clearly named including sunhats
  • Remember to sign children’s reading records each evening
  • Now the children are enjoying snack outdoors at playtime, please consider their snack size as they have limited time
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Class 1Q Spanish

Class 1Q have been learning their numbers in Spanish. They have been counting them aloud, writing them and singing along to the karaoke song from Language Angels. They have also been learning how to say how old they are in Spanish.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Year 2 Art

Class 2E and 2W wanted to show you their wonderful watercolour paintings. They tried hard to look carefully at the different shapes of the landscape pictures before adding a range of different colours.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Year 2 Minibeast Habitats

Year 2 pupils have been learning about living things and their habitats. This week, the children enjoyed identifying and naming minibeasts that they found in a micro habitat - the new bug hotel designed and constructed by STEM Club. It was great to see that many of the minibeasts had 'checked in' and were enjoying their new safe haven. 

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Class 2W English

Children in 2W loved reading bird poems and suggesting descriptive verbs to describe how they move.  We then wrote our own "If I were a bird I would……." Poems.  These were full of fabulous gliding, soaring, swooping images on the first day of May!

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher

Class 2E Outdoor Learning And Mud Play

During our Forest School time this week Mrs Dowling set the challenge of making a mud sculpture. Some children got to work quickly getting some fresh mud and making the beginnings of a sculpture. They mixed and squeezed the mud into lots of shapes. They also added leaves and cones for effect. We chatted about how the mud on our hands made us feel. We all enjoyed the experience. 

Mrs Dowling told the children that playing in the mud helps their brains grow, it also helps them to feel good feelings. Mrs Olner asked the children to describe the feelings too. It was messy but we all really enjoyed our time in the outdoors again this week.

Mrs Olner
Class 2E Teaching Assitant