Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

We have a rather nice bank holiday to look forward to this weekend, which also marks the halfway point of the half term. I was able to start my assembly today with some pictures of the children enjoying some warm sunny weather earlier in the week. It made for a rather lovely scene on the playground and in the Cosy Corner unlike the steady drizzle of today. Let's hope we get a little bit of that weather over the weekend. I haven't even thought about getting my barbecue out yet this year but who knows maybe that's not too far away.

On the theme of sunny weather, we started the week with a very informative assembly led by the Year 6 children about how to stay safe in the sun. The message was slip-slap-slop-slide-shade and we finished with a rather catchy tune to help everybody remember these important messages. As you may know, we are a sun safe school, and this is all part of educating the children about these healthy messages.

The personal highlight of the week for me was the inter-house geography final on Monday morning, where the Year 6 children took part in a locations quiz competing as part of their house team. I probably say this every year, but this genuinely was an outstanding competition and the children amazed me and the audience with their knowledge and expertise. At one point I was worried that they wouldn’t answer any questions wrongly and we might end up with a three-way tie, but Yellow House pulled away in the final round and congratulations to them, this year's winners.

The book fair this week has been a big success with children and families, and it is lovely to support a local business, this time in the form of Hunt’s Bookshop in Rugby. Everything has been very well organised and many thanks to the Friends of Crescent who have helped out.

Just on the theme of the Friends, I would make a quiet reminder to anybody who is interested in taking over as chair next year to get in contact. It might be you think you can help in some way, but you’re not exactly sure what it entails. Whatever your level of interest please don't hesitate to drop me a quick line. We are open to any ideas, parents could work together as co-chairs or you might only want to commit for one year, we are really happy to be flexible.

The weekend ahead for me is a relatively quiet one, other than the 10K run that I am taking part in along with lots of other Crescent folk on Sunday morning. We are raising money for the Children's Hospital and for Barnaby and many thanks to those who have contributed so generously to this. Good luck if you're taking part and, whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope it is a restful one for you and the family.

Joe Thackway