Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

At this time of general election talk and discussion across all elements of the media, it has been nice to reflect this in many of the headline activities in the school week. Following on from our assembly last week on the principles and process of a UK general election, the children this week had a go at putting some of these ideas into practise themselves. Having recently announced the new Head Pupils, many of the children in Year 5 put themselves forward for next year’s Heads of House. Just having a go takes some courage and standing in front of your whole house to deliver a speech that you have prepared, takes more still.

Unfortunately, not everybody can win in a race no matter how fair the rules might be. So, on that note, I would say bad luck to those who didn't make it but also a massive well done for having a go. Congratulations of course to those who have been chosen and you will be reading more about them in the Courier, I'm sure.

On a similar theme, you will have received communication from Foundation HQ regarding steps that you might consider to lobby local political representatives in the run up to the election, and beyond. This newsletter is not a vehicle for any political view, and you will of course do what you feel is right, but I would make the point that often the voice of the small independent schools such as ours gets missed in the national debate. We aren't an Eton or a Harrow, but a well-run local preparatory school that, I hope and believe, provides a great service to its local community as an educator and an employer. If this is an avenue you feel you can support, then please do so.

I also have some news for you regarding the election of another important person in the school, that is the new chair of Friends of Crescent. We hope to do a proper article on this for next week but I am delighted to let you know that Louisa Hosegood was voted in unanimously by the committee on Tuesday. Louisa has two children in the school, daughters in Year 4 and Year 2. I very much look forward to working with Louisa and her new team when the excellent tenure of Inez de Konig and Laura O’Connell comes to an end at the end of the term.

Next week looks like a particularly exciting one for us, and I have heard rave reviews of the dress rehearsal for the Year 6 drama performance and I am looking forward to seeing the full thing on Tuesday evening. Move-Up Day and Welcome Evening are always important calendar events and let's hope these all go smoothly next week and you and the children all come out the other side optimistically looking forward to a new school year in September.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Joe Thackway