Important Information

New House Captains Announced

This morning in assembly we were able to announce the new House Captains for the next academic year. The children had all taken part in a ‘hustings’ event earlier in the week, with children from Year 5 reading their speeches and hoping to gain votes from the other children in their house.
Once the votes were counted, we were able to announce the new incumbents to the rest of the school. We aren't able to share photos this week as some of the children were away at the town athletics but we will do next week.

  • Blue House:  Sophia and Akaal
  • Red House: Maya and Patrick 
  • Yellow House:  Sophie and Toni

Good luck to these children in their new roles, which will start officially in the new term in September.

Joe Thackway

Year 6 Collection On Friday 28 June

As you are aware there is a plan for some water fun next Friday. Please can you collect the children via the Reception gate that leads through to the playground at 3.45pm as we do not want to trapse the children back through the school.

If your child is doing a co-curricular club or going to Afterschool, please can you send a change of clothes and a towel.

I do recommend that parents bring a towel for their child to protect their car seats on the way home!

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Trinity Term House Competition - Growing Together Reminder

We have had the combination of lots of rain and a little bit of sun - perfect for plants to grow. Just a reminder that the deadline for sending in your photographs for our house 'Growing Together' competition is Friday 28 June.

All entries receive house points which go towards, what is often, a closely fought battle for the end of year House Cup.

Happy growing!

Mrs Emery