New FoC Chair

Further to Mr Thackway's words I wanted to congratulate Louisa Hosegood on taking over the Chair role. Louisa has been an integral part of FOC during my time and will do a super job. She has an excellent team behind her in Mary and Riaan and I am confident that FOC is in fantastic hands! 

FoC Chair

FoC Update

Preloved Sale
Last week we held our inaugural face-to-face Preloved Sale. In approximately 45 minutes we raised around £550!

We hope you liked the format. We wanted to give everyone a fair chance and although we appreciate that many people have to be in the office at that time, by the amount of grannies with long shopping lists we think most people got a fair shot!

Obviously an event like that still takes a lot of work, so huge thanks to Mr Knowles for setting up, all the volunteers for helping and to Year 2 mum, Ali for coordinating all the uniform. 

We hope to hold another one after the summer holidays so watch this space!

FoC Chair