Welcome to The Courier, Crescent School's e-newsletter.

This year has certainly flown by, there is just over one week left now of the Trinity Term!

We hope everyone has enjoyed the Summer Fete - many thanks to the FoC for all they do for the school

Please do check the Events section to stay up to date with all that is going on and remember that our Welcome Evening is taking place next Thursday 27 June.

Our cover photo this week is of our Year 5 pupils that were featured this week on BBC CWR's Star School.


Foundation Principal's Message

Foundation Principal's Message

As the General Election campaigns gather pace, I want to update you on the actions we have been taking to put our views across to local parliamentary candidates on Labour’s plans to introduce VAT on school fees, and the scenario planning and modelling we are undertaking to mitigate the impact on fee payers should the policy be implemented.

As you will be aware, Labour have included their intention to add VAT to independent schools’ fees in their election manifesto. Much is made of how they plan to spend the money they claim will be raised; however, they give no detail as to the timings and exactly what VAT will be applied to. Of course, this lack of clarity adds to the difficulty of our scenario planning. However, the Trustees, Senior Leadership Teams and I are entirely focused and committed to doing everything we can to support you and your children in the coming months and years.

There is now a small window to potentially influence the debate, sow seeds of doubt and affect the timing and scale of any implementation. By working together, we hope we can encourage a pulling back by the policy makers from the most destructive scenarios. This is something that the Independent Schools Council is doing at a national level, and that we and other independent schools are doing at a regional and local level. As Parliamentary Political Candidates (PPCs) have now been confirmed for all constituencies, we have been in contact with the three main party PPCs for all the constituencies where our families live, emphasising the effect of such a policy on our Foundation schools.

We now ask you to add your voice to ours, by contacting the candidates in your own constituency to put your view across about the policy. It is important that this is not seen as a ‘round robin’ type communication, but personal and authentic to you and your family’s circumstances. It is recommended that you include your address or postcode to any communication so they know you are a local voter, which will prioritise a response.

You may want to include some of the following:

- the reasons why you chose independent education and why the school is important to you and your family;

- the sacrifices you have made to afford this education;

- the special reasons you chose the school, the education matching your faith/values because of special educational needs or pastoral concerns, or to develop your child’s particular talent in sports, music, arts, or drama;

- your worries about what will happen to local state schools if the tax comes in;

- requesting a follow-up and that your concerns be passed to the party’s education team can be an appropriate way to conclude any correspondence.

To help you get your own message across, we have drawn up a list of the local constituencies and contact details for the Parliamentary Political Candidates for the three main parties. This can be found on My School Portal by clicking here and logging in. We notice that the changes to constituency boundaries will have affected a large proportion of our families, so if you would like to check you can use the tool here.

Thank you for your continued support for all our Foundation schools. As soon as we get further information post the election, we will give you further updates. In the meantime, I send you and your families best wishes for the summer – the weather does seem to be on an upward trajectory at last!

Yours sincerely

E D Hester

Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

At this time of general election talk and discussion across all elements of the media, it has been nice to reflect this in many of the headline activities in the school week. Following on from our assembly last week on the principles and process of a UK general election, the children this week had a go at putting some of these ideas into practise themselves. Having recently announced the new Head Pupils, many of the children in Year 5 put themselves forward for next year’s Heads of House. Just having a go takes some courage and standing in front of your whole house to deliver a speech that you have prepared, takes more still.

Unfortunately, not everybody can win in a race no matter how fair the rules might be. So, on that note, I would say bad luck to those who didn't make it but also a massive well done for having a go. Congratulations of course to those who have been chosen and you will be reading more about them in the Courier, I'm sure.

On a similar theme, you will have received communication from Foundation HQ regarding steps that you might consider to lobby local political representatives in the run up to the election, and beyond. This newsletter is not a vehicle for any political view, and you will of course do what you feel is right, but I would make the point that often the voice of the small independent schools such as ours gets missed in the national debate. We aren't an Eton or a Harrow, but a well-run local preparatory school that, I hope and believe, provides a great service to its local community as an educator and an employer. If this is an avenue you feel you can support, then please do so.

I also have some news for you regarding the election of another important person in the school, that is the new chair of Friends of Crescent. We hope to do a proper article on this for next week but I am delighted to let you know that Louisa Hosegood was voted in unanimously by the committee on Tuesday. Louisa has two children in the school, daughters in Year 4 and Year 2. I very much look forward to working with Louisa and her new team when the excellent tenure of Inez de Konig and Laura O’Connell comes to an end at the end of the term.

Next week looks like a particularly exciting one for us, and I have heard rave reviews of the dress rehearsal for the Year 6 drama performance and I am looking forward to seeing the full thing on Tuesday evening. Move-Up Day and Welcome Evening are always important calendar events and let's hope these all go smoothly next week and you and the children all come out the other side optimistically looking forward to a new school year in September.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Joe Thackway

Important Information

New House Captains Announced

This morning in assembly we were able to announce the new House Captains for the next academic year. The children had all taken part in a ‘hustings’ event earlier in the week, with children from Year 5 reading their speeches and hoping to gain votes from the other children in their house.
Once the votes were counted, we were able to announce the new incumbents to the rest of the school. We aren't able to share photos this week as some of the children were away at the town athletics but we will do next week.

  • Blue House:  Sophia and Akaal
  • Red House: Maya and Patrick 
  • Yellow House:  Sophie and Toni

Good luck to these children in their new roles, which will start officially in the new term in September.

Joe Thackway

Year 6 Collection On Friday 28 June

As you are aware there is a plan for some water fun next Friday. Please can you collect the children via the Reception gate that leads through to the playground at 3.45pm as we do not want to trapse the children back through the school.

If your child is doing a co-curricular club or going to Afterschool, please can you send a change of clothes and a towel.

I do recommend that parents bring a towel for their child to protect their car seats on the way home!

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Trinity Term House Competition - Growing Together Reminder

We have had the combination of lots of rain and a little bit of sun - perfect for plants to grow. Just a reminder that the deadline for sending in your photographs for our house 'Growing Together' competition is Friday 28 June.

All entries receive house points which go towards, what is often, a closely fought battle for the end of year House Cup.

Happy growing!

Mrs Emery



Weekly Information

Information For The Week Ahead

Weekly Calendar
Please note the following for Co-Curricular clubs next week:
  • Tuesday - Team Games for Y5 and Y6 Cancelled
  • Thursday - Didi Rugby - Cancelled
  • Friday - Cricket has been moved to Thursday
Lunch Menu 
Music Lessons

Music lessons - 24 June 2024

After School
Sessions can be booked through My School Portal by selecting the time slots you require. If you require your child to have tea, please ensure bookings are made by 10.00am each day.  


Crescent School


Year 6 Boats Launched Successfully

Much excitement in Year 6 today with a visit to the large pond located in the small woodland, known as Switzerland, at Princethorpe College, for the final testing of pupils' latest DT projects. Year 6 have been working hard with Science and DT Teacher, Mrs Johnson, to design and make a vessel to travel on water. It’s been a super challenge, that has allowed them to investigate real problems from today’s world. With the expert help of Mr Knowles the boats were all launched on the lake for a test run. There was great excitement as most of the boats travelled successfully across the lake. Pupils had worked in groups to create unique designs which were powered in different ways. Mrs Johnson was really impressed with the skills, creativity and resilience shown by all. Well done everyone and go team Crescent!


View Gallery

Crescent School Was CWR’s Star School

Crescent was delighted to feature as BBC CWR‘s Star School this week and to hear our amazing pupils being interviewed by BBC Reporter Dan Sambell.

Year 5 pupils, Max T, Toni O, Maya T and Patrick B, and School Caretaker, Mr Knowles, confidently answered all his questions, sharing their views on the news, taking him on a tour of the school, and even teaching him a thing or too.

If you missed any of the episodes you can catch up on BBC Sounds, search for CWR Breakfast with Phil Upton, and the Star School feature is on at 8.25am.

BBC Sounds

Foundation News: Rebecca Iley To Take On New Role Of Foundation Head of Business Services

We are delighted to announce that Rebecca Iley has been appointed to the new role of Head of Business Services for The Princethorpe Foundation.

A qualified management accountant and teacher, Rebecca joins us from Activate Learning FE College Group in Banbury, where she has worked for the past ten years, most recently as Director of Business Engagement and Employability. She has also held positions within Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance for ten years.

She impressed the interview panel with the combination of her education and commercial experience and her ability to juggle an extensive work portfolio, alongside her busy family life and volunteering commitments, including being Director of Banbury Chambers of Commerce and Chair of Governors of a local Catholic primary school.

Rebecca is no stranger to the Foundation as her three children attend Princethorpe College in Years 7, 10 and Lower Sixth.

She will take on her new role in October, enabling a handover with Foundation Bursar, Eddie Tolcher, who is retiring in December, although he will continue to support the work of the Foundation.

Ed Hester, Foundation Principal, comments, “We were looking for someone with exceptional personal qualities and abilities, with a wide range of skills, who was aligned with our ethos, and we have found just that in Rebecca.

She came top of a very strong field of shortlisted candidates and the interview panel was unanimous in support of her. We are absolutely delighted that she has agreed to join us, and I am sure she will make a real impact in this new role, which will be instrumental in helping us deliver our strategic plan for the Foundation.”

Comments Rebecca, “I am thrilled to have been offered the role of Head of Business Services. To have the opportunity to be part of an educational Foundation that I truly believe in is both exciting and a great privilege and I look forward to working closely with Ed and the team.”

Year 4 Girls Takes ISA Tennis Trophy

Following on from last week’s ISA Tennis, Mrs McCollin was delighted to receive the news that the U9 Girls team had performed so well that they were awarded the trophy for first placed school. Pictured here are our winning team, Isabella J, Charlotte W, Ella B and Kiran T, many congratulations to them all!

Jigsaw Biscuits

To mark Autism Pride day on Tuesday 18 June, Chef Mrs Miliopoulos and her fabulous team baked these amazing jigsaw biscuits for all our pupils to enjoy.

Foundation News: Princethorpe Welcomes New Assistant Registrar

Princethorpe has a familiar face joining its Admissions Team. OP Georgia Newborough has returned to the College to take on the role of Assistant Registrar. She will be working alongside Catherine Rogers, our Registrar, assisting families who are interested in entry to the College for September 2025 and beyond.

Georgia knows Princethorpe well, having attended the school as a pupil from 2012 to 2019. She went on to study Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of York before spending a year back at Princethorpe working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Her knowledge and experience of the school, from both sides of the fence, positions her ideally to advise prospective families with children looking to join the school.

She starts her Admissions journey welcoming and supporting pupils new to Princethorpe when they visit us next week for their Induction Day. She will then be working alongside Catherine as the Admissions team prepares for the new school year and their next big Open Event, which takes place on Sunday 15 September 2024 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

You can get in touch with Admissions by email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk or call 01926 634201/297 and they will be happy to help you.


Reception Sports Day

Wednesday 26 June 2024 - 2.45pm to 3.30pm

We are all very much looking forward to our Sports Day for Reception on Wednesday 26 June.

Please ensure that your child(ren) come to school with the following:

  • sun cream, applied before school and put in their bag
  • a Crescent school sunhat (these can be purchased from the school office)
  • a refillable drinks bottle of water

Sports days are always very much anticipated by the children and really enjoyable for all involved.

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games

Open Book Afternoon For Years 1 To 5

Thursday 27 June - 3.00pm to 3.30pm

Our ‘Open Book’ afternoon is on Thursday 27 June for Years 1 to 5.  This is a chance for you to share all of your child’s books with them at their desk and see what they have enjoyed this year in the classrooms. The front door will be open at 3.00pm and you will be told which classroom your child will be in at that time of the day. Due to space we can only accommodate one adult per child. You can of course have a different adult booked with another sibling or split your time between children taking the other children with you.

Please note this is not a Parent Teacher consultation, but a lovely opportunity for you and your child to share their work. You will be able to take many, but not all, of the books home afterwards.

I do hope you can join us, please book your ticket(s), below by Tuesday 25 June via the link below:

Open Book Afternoon

Ms Forth
Deputy Head 

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Dear Year 6 Parents

It is my pleasure to invite you to our version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Tuesday 25 June at 6.30pm.

A Shakespeare play where nothing is quite as it seems. Mistaken identity, a play within a play and love stories galore - Year 6 have been working very hard, learning lines and songs and developing their characters for a show which promises to be the best one yet!

I hope you can come and join us to see the Athenians surrounded by magic, and Bottom and his motley crew performing Pyramus and Thisbe for your enjoyment.

Please book your tickets below:

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The playground will be open for parking from 6.00pm and please enter the school via the front entrance where refreshments will be served.

Kind regards

Miss Bowdige
Drama Teacher

Move-Up Morning

Wednesday 26 June 2024

All classes will be spending the morning with their new teachers and will have opportunities to share their hopes and fears for the year ahead and do some bonding activities with their new form teacher.

Pupils just need to come to school as normal that day and note uniform requirements as per the table below:

Year Group
Year Group
Year 1
Normal school uniform
Year 1
Year 2
Normal school uniform 
Year 2
Year 3
(3LS and 3SS)
Normal school uniform 
Year 3
Year 4
(4C and 4W)
Normal school uniform for both classes
current 3SS to bring outdoor learning clothes
Year 4
Year 5
Normal school uniform and bring clothes for outdoor learning
Year 5
Year 6
Wear games kit -
normal games lesson in afternoon
Year 6
Year 7
Wear games kit – assisting with Reception Day


All lessons will return to normal timetable for the afternoon.

This is also the day when our Year 6 children who are moving to Princethorpe College and Kingsley School will have their induction day. I know that Princethorpe have a number of exciting things planned to help them feel at home there.

Our present Year 6 children who have not got their induction day that day are expected in school and will be our honorary Year 7's for the morning.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Welcome Evening Invitation

Thursday 27 June 2024 - 7.00pm to 8.20pm

Dear Parents

As we come to the end of the academic year you will have noted in the calendar that this year’s Welcome Evening is planned for Thursday 27 June from 7.00pm to 8.20pm.  All parents of children who are attending the school next year are warmly invited to this important information evening and opportunity to meet staff and fellow parents.

The evening will last for around an hour and 20 minutes and will be divided into two sections. In one of these, you will spend some time in the hall with me, hearing some general messages about our exciting plans for the year ahead. In the other part of the evening, you will meet your child’s form teacher in their new classroom and hear in more detail about day-to-day provision and arrangements.

To help things run smoothly, we have arranged the evening to run as follows:

  New Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3
Years 4, 5 and 6
  Please enter by the main entrance at front of school Please enter by the pupil entrance next to the field
7.00pm - 7.40pm Presentation in the hall with refreshments Meet the teacher in new classroom
7.40pm - 8.20pm Meet the teacher in new classroom Presentation in the hall with refreshments

We will be filming my headteacher’s talk, and this will be available for viewing after the event. This means that if you have a child in both sections of the school, you have the option of attending both of the teacher talks and watching the talk at another time.

The school playground will be open for parking from 6.45pm and there will be plenty of signage around to point you in the right direction.

Please confirm attendance via the link below, before Monday 24 June:
Welcome Evening

I look forward to seeing you on the evening.

Joe Thackway

Summer Concert Upper School

Monday 1 July 2024 - 2.30pm to 3.30pm

All the musicians in the Upper School - and there are many of them - have been working hard preparing for our Summer Concert.

Choir, Orchestra, Brass Group, Flute Group, Wacky Music, Rock Band and soloists will perform for your delectation and delight. Doors open at 2.15pm with refreshments in the Library.

Parents of children in Years 3 to 6 are able to book two tickets per family.  Please book by Wednesday 26 June.

Summer Concert - Upper School

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Summer Concert Pre-Prep

Tuesday 2 July 2024 – 9.00am – 9.45am

Pre-Prep are starring in their very own Summer Concert on Tuesday 2 July. All classes in the Pre-Prep and Mini Brass will be very excited to show you what they have been learning in Music. 

Refreshments will be served in the Library from 8.45am.  Parents of children in Pre-Prep are able to book three tickets per family, please book by Wednesday 26 June:

Summer Concert - Pre-Prep 

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Class 6W Leavers' Service

Wednesday 3 July 2024 - 2.00pm to 3.45pm

Crescent School would like to invite the parents and families of Class 6W to join us for the Leavers' Service of the Class of 2024 on Wednesday 3 July between 2.00pm and 3.45pm.

You are welcome to join us for light refreshments on the school field at 2.00pm, followed by a service in the school hall which involves the presentation of Leavers' Books and a book from the school. Alongside this, Year 6 and myself will share memories interspersed with musical interludes from this talented class.

Please indicate how many of your family will be joining us so we can cater accordingly. There will be up to four tickets available per family:

6W Leavers Service 

We hope you will be able to join us.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

New Summer Holiday Camps At Princethorpe College

Monday 15 July to Friday 23 August, 8.00am to 5.00pm

We are thrilled to team up with Team Super Sports to offer an action-packed summer experience for children aged 5 to 16 years. From Monday 15 July to Friday 23 August, our Holiday Camps will run from 8.00am to 5.00pm.

Children aged 7 to 16 can choose from a variety of sports, including rugby, cricket, football, gymnastics, netball, hockey, and tennis to create their own personalised sports camp! For our younger campers (ages 5 to 7), along with sport we’ve got arts, crafts, and dance activities to keep them engaged and having a blast!

Why Team Super Sports? They’re experts in sport and multi-activity holiday camps, providing top-level coaching for all abilities.

Click here to visit the Team Super Sports website to secure your child’s spot.

Camps are priced at £37 per day or £150 per week. Sibling discounts and flexible booking options available!

Princethorpe College Open Afternoon

Sunday 15 September 2024 - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Princethorpe will be holding its annual Open Afternoon on Sunday 15 September from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

Click here to book your place.

Entrance Examinations registration deadline is Friday 27 September 2024. Click here to complete a registration form.


Junior da Vinci Students

A bumper week for full Junior Da Vinci awards this week.

The following children achieve theirs in Computing:

  • In Year 6, Edward F, Alex G, Albert, Hattie, Leela, Remi, Alex T and Maisie
  • In Year 5 Alex B, Roisin and Nora in 5F
  • In Year 4 Isabella, Alfie, Theo Mc and Kiran
  • In Year 3 Felicity, Alice, Penny, Max, and Catherine in 3SS and Joshua, Uma, Zoe, Kiki, Walter and Jahnavi in 3LS
  • In Year 2 Sarima, Iris and Isla from 2W as well as Oore, Locan, Daniel and Jed in 2E
  • In Year 1 Harry and Mikael

Others receive their awards for:

  • Jonelle in 2E achieves hers in Art and Hannah, Isabel and Thato in 2E gain theirs in Geography, Jed and Tara in 2E also achieve theirs in P.E
  • In 2W, Sophie L and Isla achieve theirs in Geography and Sophie L, Sophie D and Teddy gain theirs in PE, Marcie and Sophie L also achieve theirs in English
  • In 3SS Lily achieves hers in English
  • In 4C, Aria gains hers in Art, and Gloria, Alfie and Tomisin in Music
  • In 5F Roisin, Maxi and Zac achieve theirs in Games
  • In 6W Alice, Maisie, Roisin and Grace achieve theirs in RE

Children who were not in Assembly today will receive their badge on Monday.

Wow! Well done everyone this week!

Mrs Symons
JdV Lead

View Gallery

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

This week's Word Wizards and Top Quizzers are:

Word Wizards, achieving the highest word count from successfully quizzing this week, are:

  • 3LS  FLorence
  • 3SS  Felicity
  • 4C    Evelyn
  • 5F    Maya
  • 6W   Timi

Top Quizzers who have quizzed on the most books successfully or made a noticeable improvement in quizzing scores this week are:

  • 3LS  Nellie
  • 3SS  Ria
  • 4C   Ava
  • 5F    Edward W
  • 6W   Edward F

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Accelerated Reader 100,000 Words

Year 3, 100k Word Superstar this week is Hermione in 3LS.

Well done.

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Pre-Prep Reading Certificates

Reading certificates have, this week, been awarded to:

  • Alex K
  • Aydin
  • Carwyn
  • Parker
  • Sanvika
  • Sophie L

Well done to you all.

Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep

Times Table Rock Stars

Garage and Gigs are the most important games to show your progress.

Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JDVs for Maths Practice this week.

  • Florence 1Q has completed 24% of the course
  • Finn 3SS has completed 72% of the course
  • Evelyn 4C has completed 24% of the course

Results For Battle 13-20 June between: Years 1 to 5: - average score per class member:

  • 1st 1Q 159
  • 2nd 2W 56
  • 3rd 2E 54

Most valuable players in the whole competition:

  • 1st Marcie 2W
  • 2nd Emily 1Q
  • 3rd Sahiba 1Q

Well done, 1Q! 🏆 That's 5 in a row!

Most improved speedsters in the studio are:

Seren - Headliner!

Henry - Unsigned Act!

Zoe - Rock Star!
Elliott - Busker!
Sophia - Gigger!

Locan - Garage Rocker!

Florence - Headliner!

LAST Battle between all Year 1 to 6 from 20 - 27 June 2024. 

TT Rock stars will block 2x, 5x, 10x and 11x on jamming if you are efficient at them, so you cannot pick easy ones just to score more points in the competition! 

Please note only the children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Art Frizzmeister 
Deputy Head

Artists Of The Week

This week's Artists of the Week are:

  • Charlotte 2W - A bright and colourful swimming picture

  • Emily 2W - A lovely, detailed swimming picture

  • Sam O 6W - Lovely tonal contrast

  • Leela 6W - Beautifully observed sketch of a trainer

  • Sofie 6W - Lovely detail and effective use of tone

  • Alice 6W - Well observed sketch of a trainer

  • Tomisin and Aria 4C - Excellent design ideas for a chair

  • Isabella and Everly 4C - A fun chair design for Sponge Bob

  • Isabel 2E - A bright and colourful ‘Fun in the Sun’ portrait

  • Jonelle 2E - A fun and expressive self-portrait

  • Charlotte 2E - A bright bold self-portrait

Well done to you all.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...

We have used The Very Hungry Caterpillar as our focus text. We have written a list of what the caterpillar ate and labelled the stages in his life cycle.

In Maths we have been exploring coins and their values. We have been shopping for toys to combine amounts and find how much money we need to buy two items.

We have played ‘Guess Who?’ with our baby photos and talked about how we have grown and changed.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...

We will be creating human timelines to show baby, child, adult and elderly stages.

In Maths we will be revisiting shapes in practical investigations and using number bonds in addition and subtraction calculations. We will be exploring capacity and associated mathematical vocabulary.

In phonics we have been revising phase 4 sounds (see phonics picture)

How to help your child at home...

Please encourage the children to play with money – practise naming the coins and show given amounts.

Write a simple set of instructions using language  such as first, next, after, finally.

Share family photo’s of different generations to prompt talk about how humans grow and change.

What’s going on in the weeks to come/notices/information...

Next Tuesday, we will be visiting Stratford Butterfly Farm. We are looking forward to seeing the changes in the butterfly life cycle first hand.

Finally, please send in a large named plastic bag so we can start filling them with the children’s wonderful work as we come to the end the year!

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

View Gallery

Reception Colours In Spanish

The children in the Reception class have been learning the vocabulary for colours in Spanish. They have then been able to describe their pets in more detail. Here they are with a coded colouring activity of Elmer the elephant. They had to colour the sections according to the reference to a colour in Spanish.

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Class 1Q Story Club

This week in Year 1 Story Club, we read the story Pattern Fish by Trudy Harris together. We explored all the different kinds of sea creatures and looked at their beautiful patterns. We then created our very own coloured patterned fish using stripes, spots and lines.

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

View Gallery

Class 1Q Maths

In Year 1 Maths, we have been carrying out investigations using simple number bond facts to 10. We used our number bond facts to figure out similar addition calculations using bigger numbers without having to count on. For example, we know that 3 + 4 = 7 so therefore 43 + 4 = 47 and 103 + 4 = 107. The children quickly recognized that our answers must remain in the same column.

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

Class 2E Maths

In Maths this week we have been consolidating our recognition of coins, practised making amounts and then used finding the difference strategies to give change from 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins. The children created their own toy shop and took turns being the shop owner and the customer, making amounts of money and giving change.

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher

View Gallery

Class 2W Preparing For Our Zoo Trip

Children in 2W have been preparing for their trip to the zoo. We have looked at the history of zoos and how they have become more animal friendly, we have discussed how zoos have become havens for conservation and animal welfare and children have designed their own zoo layouts and animal enclosures.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher


Crescent U9 A vs King Henry VIII U9 A

Crescent welcomed Henry's to our fantastic looking cricket pitch on Tuesday for a really entertaining, competitive and superbly well-spirited match. Batting first, Crescent put on a good total of 147 due to some clever cricket and excellent running from the entire side. Despite some strong bowling and superb fielding, particularly from Tomisin taking two brilliant catches, Henry's were able to chase down the total, finishing on 167 and winning by 20 runs.

Bowler of the match was the deadly Lilah, batter of the match was Thomas.

Mr Adkins
Teacher of Boys Games

U11 Cricket v Bilton Grange

Crescent A's finished their season with an absolute thriller of a game, narrowly defeating a very strong Bilton Grange side on their own turf. For most of the team this was their final time representing Crescent before heading on to Secondary, and they certainly pulled out all the stops!

Fielding first, the away side bowled superbly, a steady flow of wickets restricting BG to 236-10. In reply Crescent batted very sensibly considering the low total they were chasing, picking up the risk-free singles and calling well. As a result they finished on 244-1, a hard-fought 8 run victory.

Player of the match was Alex G for his truly fantastic bowling figures of 3 wickets for just 5 runs, with a special mention for Matthew, who playing his first ever hardball game for the school, took a fantastic wicket in his first over, and a very special catch in the field.

Mr Adkins
Teacher of Boys Games
A fantastic game of cricket played by all in the end of season game against Bilton Grange.  After winning the toss we decided to put Bilton Grange in to bat first.  Solid bowling saw 4 wickets fall and one superb catch, great movement and backing up in field keeping the score to 239. Some wonderful batting from the team but tight fielding from BG meant we couldn't pick up the quick singles. 4 wickets and a final score of 224. A really solid performance from all involved and a promising team for next year. 
Fielding POM Akaal - Batting POM Sofie

Very energetic batting, fast paced bowling and some solid fielding saw the C team rack up the runs with a wonderful partnership between Sophia and Roisin.  A great game of cricket by all involved, played in the true spirit of sport.  
Fielding POM MingYi - Batting POM Roisin 
Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games

Year 5 Boys Awarded ISA Midlands Team Trophy

In our 7 June edition we reported on the success of the Year 5 Boys team at the Midlands ISA Athletics. We received their trophy this week and were pleased to present it to the boys. A huge well done to them all!



New FoC Chair

Further to Mr Thackway's words I wanted to congratulate Louisa Hosegood on taking over the Chair role. Louisa has been an integral part of FOC during my time and will do a super job. She has an excellent team behind her in Mary and Riaan and I am confident that FOC is in fantastic hands! 

FoC Chair

FoC Update

Preloved Sale
Last week we held our inaugural face-to-face Preloved Sale. In approximately 45 minutes we raised around £550!

We hope you liked the format. We wanted to give everyone a fair chance and although we appreciate that many people have to be in the office at that time, by the amount of grannies with long shopping lists we think most people got a fair shot!

Obviously an event like that still takes a lot of work, so huge thanks to Mr Knowles for setting up, all the volunteers for helping and to Year 2 mum, Ali for coordinating all the uniform. 

We hope to hold another one after the summer holidays so watch this space!

FoC Chair


The Princethorpe Foundation Employment Opportunities

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Current vacancies include:

Princethorpe College

  • Sports Coach - Hockey
  • Sports Coach - Rugby
  • Minibus Driver

Full details and information on how to apply are available on the Foundation website here:


Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.