Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
In literacy we have used The Three Little Pigs as our focus text. We have explored repeated refrains, and written lists of building materials. We have compared different versions of the story and shared opinions.
In Maths we have revisited time and been learning to read o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks.
In PSED we have been learning about saying sorry and its importance as part of being a good friend.
Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
The next traditional tale we will be sharing is Jack and the Beanstalk. We will be exploring story settings and considering alternative characters and endings.
In Maths we will be learning about odd and even numbers. We will also revisit simple subtraction within 10 and beyond.
In phonics we have been revising all digraphs & trigraphs...
Please revisit these regularly – they are in the back of children’s reading record books.

How to help your child at home...

  • Share different versions of traditional tales - ask the children to try and read a page or two and identify familiar words.
  • Encourage children to use expression when reading aloud.
  • Continue to practise writing using cursive letters - make the purpose of writing as much fun as possible (e.g. a message in a birthday card) Make connections between capital and lower case letters.
  • Practise simple addition and subtraction problems using real life scenarios.
  • Practise doubling and halving up to 20.
  • Identify odd and even numbers in the environment – e.g. house numbers
  • Talk about the materials that are used in our homes and their properties - are they natural or human-made?
What’s going on in the coming weeks/ notices/information...
We are looking forward to seeing you next week at one of our Show and Tell sessions. The children will be sharing their Reception learning journey and are very excited!

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher


Reception Music

Reception class have had fun learning how to play percussion instruments in different ways this week, including getting louder and quieter!

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Class 1Q PE

In the absence of Miss Quirke this week and not being able to find the bucket of bats and beanbags to practice hitting a target, Ms Forth improvised! Children got their hearts beating by travelling in various styles, this started with the more traditional striding and sideways leaping and culminated in animal movements such as crabs, giraffes and kangaroos!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Year 2 History

Much excitement has hit Year 2! They have begun their moon buggys, using junk modelling as part of our moon landings topic in History. They have boxes, bottles, pots, foil, tubes – you name it, and all stuck together with an inordinate amount of cellotape. Keep an eye out for our finished models from Year 2 budding young engineers of the future!

Mrs Emery and Mr Webb
Class 2E and 2W Form Teachers


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Class 2W Maths

Children in 2W have been using their doubling skills to solve problems. Armed with strategies for doubling 2 digit numbers, they have logically laid out their solutions.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher