
Year 2 Athletics Festival At Crackley Hall

Last Friday afternoon our Year 2s were treated to a fabulous athletics festival over at Crackley Hall. All of our budding young athletes had a fantastic time in the beautiful sunshine, taking part in a number of different events including, sprints, javelin, long jump and high jump. The emphasis was very much on having fun and getting stuck in rather than winning, although the Crescent pupils managed both with some style!

They were even lucky enough to meet a paralympic gold-medal winning swimmer and a future GB Olympic long jump star!

Mr Adkins, Mr Webb, Mrs Emery, Mrs Olner & Miss Hanson

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U10s Win Princethorpe's Primary Football Tournament

Huge congratulations to the U10 Football team that played in Princethorpe's primary schools tournament on Monday afternoon. Playing against seven local schools, in a round robin 5-aside format, Crescent played an energetic and consistent game and, when all the scores had been added up, the team were delighted to come out as overall tournament winners!

Well done everyone and huge thanks to Princethorpe's young sports leaders who organised and refereed the games.

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U11 Girls ISA Midlands Cricket Festival.

The U11 Girls played in the ISA Midlands Cricket Festival at Malvern St James this week. They started the day playing a strong host side in their first game. The girls put up a sterling performance but unfortunately lost by 3 runs. The 2nd game against Bowbrook House saw the girls take 3 wickets with superb bowling and a great catch. They went in to bat calm and confident and produced a winning performance by 11 runs and 1 wicket. 

The next game was RGS Dodderhill, Crescent batted first with girls finding the boundary on numerous occasions and there was more confident running from all, unfortunately 2 wickets in our final over was costly resulting in -10 runs.  An early wicket in the first over and 2 further wickets kept spirits high but sadly solid batting from Dodderhill saw them take the win by 5 runs. 

Our final match was against our foundation family Crackley Hall. Superb bowling in the first over helped take 2 wickets and then a further wicket in the final over stood Crescent in good stead. Solid batting from all girls put us on a good run rate to help us win by 13 runs and 1 wicket. 

A fantastic performance from all players, despite the damp and dreary conditions. 

Mrs McCollin and Mrs Calder 

U11 Boys - 20/20 Hardball ISA Tournament at Crackley Hall

A strong first game against Derby Grammar School saw Crescent clock up an impressive 57 runs off 5 overs. The boys went out confident with both Alex's finding the boundary in the first 2 overs. After a number of quick wickets Captain Shiv stepped up with his calm demeanour to take charge of the game playing some beautiful shots and hitting a 6 on the final ball. Derby Grammar were not going to make it easy though and also put up a commendable batting performance. However, solid bowling from all of our boys and superb keeping from Alex T kept their score just short at 53 runs and 2 wickets. 

Edenhurst Prep were our next opponents. They won the toss and opted to field first, putting our batters under pressure with some solid bowling forcing our batters to play defensive shots keeping our score low. Despite some superb bowling from Crescent, Edenhurst were able to beat our score of 23 in the first 3 overs. 

In the final game against Tettenhall the boys changed up the bowling and applied new batting tactics. Fantastic bowling from all involved kept Tettenhall College to 22 runs and our new determination to up the run rate saw Crescent batters quickly beat this score in the first 2 overs. 

The pool was so competitive and we had fantastic games resulting in Derby Grammar, Edenhurst and ourselves all finishing on the same points, therefore the next round of the competition was decided on run rate per ball.  Despite our fantastic performance against Tettenhall we narrowly missed out on a place in to the next round. 

A fantastic day out full of superb cricket and some great coaching sessions in the nets by Princethorpe 6th form students and Crackley staff. The boys did us proud. 

Congratulations to all. 

Mrs McCollin and Mr Nelson

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