Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

I hope your week have gone well and you’re looking forward to a restful weekend, or at least one where you are able to spend at least a little bit of time with your children.

Here in school, it has been an action-packed week to say the least, with many highlights to enjoy along the way. Looking at the schedule it is hard to know which ones to pick out for my newsletter, but I’ll have a go.

We had the latest of our drama productions with the Year 4s performing Jack and the Beanstalk, with a twist or two, much to the enjoyment of their parents on Tuesday afternoon. I look forward to something similarly unexpected perhaps with Bombs and Blackberries and the Year 3 play next week.

With the Year 6 performance of Midsummer Night’s Dream coming along nicely, it is a reminder just what an important part drama and the performing arts plays in the life of the school. Having the confidence and ability to stand in front of an audience, project your voice and make your feelings known, is an enormous life skill to which many of you can attest in your own professional lives I am sure.

I know the Year 5 children have been having a great time over in Bewdley on their annual residential camp, although some dodging of the showers has inevitably come into play.

On Monday evening many of you will have attended the online presentation from Mr Hester regarding the potential political challenges of the months ahead. I hope you found this useful and informative, and it has been nice this week to get some positive feedback from parents. There is a link from Mr Hester‘s newsletter piece in the Courier tonight, and if you weren’t able to attend live this is a chance to watch this back. It’s 45 minutes long and I suggest it’s worth a watch.

Whatever the weather brings this weekend (Sunday looks like a nice one), I hope you have a good one with your families.

Joe Thackway

Applications for Chair and Deputy Chair of Friends of Cresent School

Dear Crescent Parents
As we enter the third term of this academic year, plans for next year are starting to come into focus. This is no different for our Parents’ Association, the Friends of Crescent. As a school, we are so grateful for everything that this excellent group of people provide for the children in the form of special events, creating memories for the children and raising some money for chosen charities along the way.
We say special thanks to the two key committee leaders, Inez de Koning, who has served ably as chair, and Laura O'Connell, who has made an excellent deputy. Those two wonderful people have announced, in good time, their intention to stand down at the end of this school year following two years of active and very capable service. They go with our heartfelt thanks and can look back on a very successful time in office. They have run and hosted many fun events and funded some great whole school projects, such as the revamped Cosy Corner and the brand-new traverse wall.
All of which means, of course, that we are now looking for a new chair and deputy chair for the committee to come in and take the Friends into a new school year. These are of course entirely voluntary positions and many of you are very busy people, but I am hoping that there is someone out there who is interested in putting themselves forward to help out.
The aim of the Friends is to raise money for those nice-to-have extras that the children can enjoy in the classroom and playground, as well as providing fun community events for the children and families to enjoy. In an average term, you might expect to run two main committee meetings as well as preparing for special events such as Christmas Fair or the disco. You would of course have the full support of the senior team here to help you plan and prepare and liaise with staff. There is also a team of class representatives to help with communications and organisation.
If you are interested in being Chair, or in playing a different role in the Friends Committee, please get in contact with me via e-mail to express your interest, by Friday 7 June. Should we have more than one person interested in taking up the role of chair, it is possible that we might need to go to some sort of committee vote to make the final decision.
If you aren't quite sure and have further questions, I am happy to pick up the phone and have a conversation to talk through the options with you.
With my best wishes
Joe Thackway