Welcome to The Courier, Crescent School's e-newsletter.

Our Year 6 children started their post-exam celebrations this week with a wonderful continental breakfast feast. They were also given their Leavers Hoodies which were generously paid for by the FoC - thank you. How fabulous do they look!

While Year 5 have been off on their residential and from all reports it looks like they have had the time of their lives.

Do keep an eye on the Events section, for updates for the term ahead and read on to find out what else has been happening in school this week.


Foundation Principal's Message

Foundation Principal's Message

Many thanks to all of you who attended the Foundation Parents’ Online Forum on Monday 13 May. We had over 260 families join us, which was really encouraging. We know that many of you may have been unable to attend for logistical reasons and so have made a recording of the forum available to you via the Parent Portal. 
The evening focused on some potential political and economic changes in the future, and I am grateful for the positive feedback we have had from parents. There were a number of specific questions submitted on the evening, which we were able to answer, however time constraints meant we were not able to answer them all during the live event, so we have also put the full questions and answers on the Parent Portal. 

Click here to login to the Portal and access the recording and Q and A.
If you have any further related questions or queries, please do send them through by using this link and if you want further information on the Fees in Advance Scheme, please see the information on our website here
With all best wishes.

E D Hester



Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

I hope your week have gone well and you’re looking forward to a restful weekend, or at least one where you are able to spend at least a little bit of time with your children.

Here in school, it has been an action-packed week to say the least, with many highlights to enjoy along the way. Looking at the schedule it is hard to know which ones to pick out for my newsletter, but I’ll have a go.

We had the latest of our drama productions with the Year 4s performing Jack and the Beanstalk, with a twist or two, much to the enjoyment of their parents on Tuesday afternoon. I look forward to something similarly unexpected perhaps with Bombs and Blackberries and the Year 3 play next week.

With the Year 6 performance of Midsummer Night’s Dream coming along nicely, it is a reminder just what an important part drama and the performing arts plays in the life of the school. Having the confidence and ability to stand in front of an audience, project your voice and make your feelings known, is an enormous life skill to which many of you can attest in your own professional lives I am sure.

I know the Year 5 children have been having a great time over in Bewdley on their annual residential camp, although some dodging of the showers has inevitably come into play.

On Monday evening many of you will have attended the online presentation from Mr Hester regarding the potential political challenges of the months ahead. I hope you found this useful and informative, and it has been nice this week to get some positive feedback from parents. There is a link from Mr Hester‘s newsletter piece in the Courier tonight, and if you weren’t able to attend live this is a chance to watch this back. It’s 45 minutes long and I suggest it’s worth a watch.

Whatever the weather brings this weekend (Sunday looks like a nice one), I hope you have a good one with your families.

Joe Thackway

Applications for Chair and Deputy Chair of Friends of Cresent School

Dear Crescent Parents
As we enter the third term of this academic year, plans for next year are starting to come into focus. This is no different for our Parents’ Association, the Friends of Crescent. As a school, we are so grateful for everything that this excellent group of people provide for the children in the form of special events, creating memories for the children and raising some money for chosen charities along the way.
We say special thanks to the two key committee leaders, Inez de Koning, who has served ably as chair, and Laura O'Connell, who has made an excellent deputy. Those two wonderful people have announced, in good time, their intention to stand down at the end of this school year following two years of active and very capable service. They go with our heartfelt thanks and can look back on a very successful time in office. They have run and hosted many fun events and funded some great whole school projects, such as the revamped Cosy Corner and the brand-new traverse wall.
All of which means, of course, that we are now looking for a new chair and deputy chair for the committee to come in and take the Friends into a new school year. These are of course entirely voluntary positions and many of you are very busy people, but I am hoping that there is someone out there who is interested in putting themselves forward to help out.
The aim of the Friends is to raise money for those nice-to-have extras that the children can enjoy in the classroom and playground, as well as providing fun community events for the children and families to enjoy. In an average term, you might expect to run two main committee meetings as well as preparing for special events such as Christmas Fair or the disco. You would of course have the full support of the senior team here to help you plan and prepare and liaise with staff. There is also a team of class representatives to help with communications and organisation.
If you are interested in being Chair, or in playing a different role in the Friends Committee, please get in contact with me via e-mail to express your interest, by Friday 7 June. Should we have more than one person interested in taking up the role of chair, it is possible that we might need to go to some sort of committee vote to make the final decision.
If you aren't quite sure and have further questions, I am happy to pick up the phone and have a conversation to talk through the options with you.
With my best wishes
Joe Thackway

Important Information

Class 6W Final Report

Today, Friday 17 May, you will be able to access your child's final Report on 'My School Portal'. Other Class reports will be published later this term.

Staff have spent much time gathering evidence and writing these reports to keep you informed of your child's progress, achievements and wellbeing in school. This is of course, the last report from Crescent before 6W leave us and we wish them well. We do hope you enjoy reading them and sharing comments.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Curriculum

Reception Swimming - Change of Date

Reception children will be having their 'taster swimming session' on Wednesday 19 June. The taster session is to show children the school swimming process, with going on the bus, getting to the swimming pool, navigating the swimming pool and meeting the Rugby School swimming teachers. 

Children will all be put into buoyancy aids to begin with as swimming teachers begin their assessment process for safety at this session. It is a fun taster session and their swimming level assessment will take place in September. 

Please ensure swimming kit is brought in on the morning of their swim, children can wear their own swimming costumes/swim caps for this taster but they will need to have Crescent school swimming kit for September.  This can be ordered via the uniform order form.

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games


Work Experience Student

Next week Nikola Kostowska will be joining us from Harris School on Year 10 work experience. She will be a classroom assistant, supervised by our staff and getting to work with the children. Hopefully we will inspire her to be a TA or teacher one day; I know everyone will make her welcome.

Ms B Forth
Deputy Head

Classlist Quick Survey

Please complete this short survey designed to help us ascertain how Classlist is currently used by parents. Your feedback is really helpful, thank you.

Classlist Survey

Crescent School

Weekly Information


Year 4 Reach New Heights In Jack And The Beanstalk

Year 4 performed their Trinity Term drama production, Jack And The Beanstalk, in front of parents on Tuesday afternoon and it was absolutely amazing. Their colourful and comedic production was based on Roald Dahl’s fabulous revolting rhyme.

After Jack sells Daisy for a lousy bean, it seems there is no hope, but the bean begins to sprout and at the top Jack beholds lots of leaves of solid gold. Sadly, that’s not all that is up high because he also finds a nasty giant in the sky!

Year 4’s energy and enthusiasm was super infectious, and the watching audience were mesmerised. Words were spoken clearly, actions performed enthusiastically, and the songs belted out with gusto. 

We hope parents enjoyed the truly wonderful show.

Many thanks to their teachers, Miss Bowdige and Mrs Barnes, and their support staff for all their hard work putting together the performance. 

Here are just a few photos to enjoy.

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Year 6 Treated To A Celebration Breakfast

Year 6 enjoyed a special Celebration Breakfast on Tuesday morning courtesy of Chef Mrs Miliopoulos and her fabulous team. Breakfast was laid out in the school hall with bacon, sausages, hash browns, pancakes, pastries, fruit and fruit juice to choose from and Year 6 made short work of the tasty feast. There were even special biscuits to take away for a mid morning snack - just in case anyone was still hungry!

The children were also presented with their Leavers' Hoodies and they were quick to put them on. Now a tradition for most schools, the hoodies will always be a tangible memory of their time at Crescent and their fellow pupils. They will wear them on their upcoming Slapton residential and they are also allowed to wear them in and around school for the rest of the term. A huge thank you to the FoC for providing them!

Year 6 have worked hard this year, handled their examinations so well, and at all times been excellent role models for the pupils in the lower school. We hope they all enjoyed their special celebratory breakfast!

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Olympic Themed Bake Off Is An Award Winning Treat

Year 6 pupils at the Crescent School took part in a special DT Challenge this week when they channelled their inner Mary Berry and went all out to win the school’s Olympic Bake Off. Their challenge this year, to design, bake and decorate a Victoria Sponge cake to mark the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Pupils worked in teams and began by carefully designing their cakes. Mrs Johnson then provided all the ingredients, and, on Thursday, Year 6 got busy baking. Friday morning was all about the decoration and the youngsters spent period 2 excitedly creating their stunning designs, we had swimming pools, velodromes, medals and all sorts of fabulous creations!

Judging all the cakes were Mrs Johnson, Mrs Miliopoulos and Mrs Stephenson, who happily took on the hard work of tasting them all. In addition to the texture and taste of the sponge they considered, the creativity of the decoration, the skill shown decorating and how the teams had worked together.

After much deliberation the results were: in first place overall and earning themselves a full JdV  were Grace, Shayla and Alex; awarded JdV mastery for their teamwork were Hattie, Emily and Maisie; receiving a JdV mastery for taste were Remi, Alex and Shiv and earning a JdV practice for their decorating skill were Sofie and Roisin. A really big well done to everyone though, as it was a very close decision.

Mrs Johnson, said, “Our bakers were just incredible, the effort and creativity put into making their cakes has been amazing. Well done everyone.”

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Foundation News: Princethorpe Partners With Team Super Sports To Offer Summer Holiday Camps

Princethorpe College is delighted to be partnering with Team Super Sports to offer Holiday Camps to children aged 5 to 16 years for six weeks this July and August.

The initiative is part of the Foundation’s new Commercial Enterprise activity aimed at generating additional sources of income and is in response to feedback and demand from parents.

The Summer Holiday Camps will run from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday from 15 July to 23 August and are open to all. They will offer a wide variety of sporting activities, taking advantage of the College’s extensive grounds and sporting facilities. Youngsters aged 7 to 16 can take their pick of rugby, cricket, football, gymnastics, netball, hockey and tennis and create their very own sports camp. In addition to sports, dance and games there will also be optional arts and crafts activities for younger children aged 5 to 7.

Comments, Gemma Cullinane, Princethorpe Commercial Enterprise Manager, “Team Super Sports are an experienced provider of sport and multi-activity holiday camps with a fantastic reputation for top-level coaching for children of all abilities. We are very excited to be joining forces with them for the first of many holiday camps to come.

Dan Super, Founder of Team Super Sports, added, “Princethorpe’s beautiful campus is the perfect setting for a holiday camp. We are expecting it to be a very popular choice for many families in the local area.”

For more information and to book your child’s place simply visit the Team Super Sports website here. The camps are priced at £37 a day. Bookings before the early bird deadline of Sunday 9 June attract an extra 10% discount and there are further discounts available for siblings and four and five-day bookings. Childcare vouchers are also accepted.

Team Super Sports will be on hand at the College’s Open Evening on Wednesday 5 June and at Induction Day on Wednesday 26 June to answer any questions families may have or you can contact them at info@teamsupersports.co.uk or call 01675 448494.

Crackley Hall’s Holiday Club will continue to run as normal.

Hunt's Bookshop Book Fair Thank You

Thank you to everyone who attending our recent Bookfair. It was great to feel the buzz and see the enthusiasm of the children for the books and it was great to support a local independent retailer. The success of the sale has allowed us to receive a good amount of commission which we can spend on further books for our library.

A big thank you to the FoC for running this for the school, especially Karen Williams who was here before and afterschool on all days.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Open Evening

Thank you to the children who helped at our Open Evening this week. The Year 6 do a great job touring our visitors and Year 5 were great at showcasing IT and Science.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head


Year 5 Destination Meetings

Parents of 5F are invited to choose an appointment for a Destinations meeting. These are with me as Form Tutor and supported by Mrs Webb as Head of Year 6 Transition.

This is a chance to review your son or daughter's attainment up to this point and have a realistic discussion regarding plans for secondary school destinations and the process you now need to enter.

The 15 minute meetings will be run online and you will be sent the link after booking your appointment.

The dates and times for these appointments are:

  • Monday 12 June 1.00pm - 5pm or
  • Tuesday 13 June 5pm - 7pm

The booking link opens at 7pm tonight, please select one appointment from the dates listed above via the link below by Thursday 8 June. We look forward to seeing you. 

Year 5 Destinations

Ms Forth
Deputy Head/5F Form Tutor

Non-Uniform Day In Aid of World Wildlife Fund

Friday 24 May 2024

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 24 May with all proceeds going to this term's chosen charity, World Wildlife Fund.  Children are encourages to wear black and white to support our penguin adoption, but anything animal related would be great.

Please send a £1 (minimum) donation with your child to be given to their form teacher.

Thank you.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Year 3 Production Bombs And Blackberries

Tuesday 21 May 2024 - 9.15am - 10.05am

We are looking forward to the Year 3 Production of Julia Donaldson's Bombs and Blackberries.

Refreshments will be served in the Library from 8.45am

There are three tickets available per family of pupils in Year 3 to book by Sunday 19 May 2024:

Bombs and Blackberries

Miss Bowdige
Drama Teacher

Year 4 Eco Explorers Workshop

Tuesday 21 May - 9.30am - 1.00pm

Pupils in Year 4 will be travelling over to Princethorpe on Tuesday 21 May for a special joint Eco-Explorers Workshop with fellow Foundation prep school Crackley Hall School. 

Building on the Foundation’s Environmental Sustainability Plan the event is aimed at giving the children an appreciation and understanding of the College’s beautiful grounds and its diverse eco-system.

There will be a range of activities for them to participate in including pond dipping, mini beast hunting and orienteering.

The event will be hosted by the Princethorpe Science and Games Departments with support from the Marketing and Admissions team.

An Evolve consent form with more details has been sent to parents.

Reception Stay And Play

Tuesday 21 May 2024 - 9.00am to 9.30am or Wednesday 22 May 2024 - 2.45pm to 3.15pm

This is an opportunity to share your child's learning journey through Reception. 

One parent is able to attend either of the sessions below by Sunday 19 May 2024:

Entry will be via the After School entrance by the side of school where parents normally collect Reception children.

Tuesday 21 May - 09.00am to 09.30am
Wednesday 22 May - 2.45pm to 3.15pm
Mrs Pullen 
Reception Class Teacher


The 2024 National Schools And Riding Clubs Two Day Event

Saturday 25 May and Sunday 26 May 2024

The National Schools And Riding Clubs Two Day Event is once again taking place on the magnificent Princethorpe estate and Crescent families are welcome to come and spectate.

This year’s event includes classes at 70cm, 80cm, 900cm and 100cm for school and riding club teams. The best performing school will be awarded the Wigley Cup and ISA member school teams will also compete for ISA rosettes.

The two day event takes place across the weekend of 25 to 26 May at Princethorpe College, near Rugby, and is backed by local firm The Wigley Group.

Entry to the event is free and spectators are encouraged to come along and enjoy a wonderful weekend of exciting equestrian sport.

Year 3 To 6 Sports Day

Tuesday 4 June 2024 - 10.00am - 12.30pm

We are all very much looking forward to our Sports Day for Years 3-6 on Tuesday 4 June at Princethorpe College. This is being held within the school day so normal drop off and collection times from school apply.

Please note that all pupils are to wear PE kit to school, blazers are not required but full tracksuits are to be worn. Please ensure that your child(ren) come to school with the following:

  • sun cream, applied before school 
  • a school sunhat (these can be purchased from the school office)
  • a refillable drinks bottle of water (snacks will be provided)

Sports days are always very much anticipated by the children and really enjoyable for all involved.

Parents are invited to come and support, please book your tickets via the link below by Tuesday 21 May so we are able to advise Princethorpe of numbers attending and car parking.  Please bring a chair or a blanket to sit on.

Years 3 - 6 Sports Day

Mrs McCollin
Head of PE and Games

Princethorpe College Open Evening

Wednesday 5 June - 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Princethorpe College invites prospective families to the College's annual Summer Open Evening which will take place on Wednesday 5 June from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. This is a perfect opportunity for families looking for a secondary school place in September 2025 and beyond to visit the school, for children to take part in departmental activities and for parents to meet and chat to members of staff and pupils.

The Headmaster, Grove du Toit, will also address visitors during the evening. Light refreshments will be available.

Please click here to book your place. 

Barnaby Williams Concert Celebration

Dear Parents,

We are all looking forward to celebrating the life of our great school friend Barnaby Williams in a special concert dedicated to him on Friday 7 June at 1430.

It will be a fun event, run mostly by his schoolmates and directed by the teaching team, comprising of a combination of jokes, sketches and music, just some of Barnaby's favourite things. The choir, orchestra, rock band and flute group will all be performing, with plenty of surprises and hopefully some laughs along the way.

If you would like to come along, please complete the form below.

There will be a retiring collection for the Birmingham Children's Hospital following the performance.

Barnaby Williams Concert Celebration

Joe Thackway

The Barnaby Bear Football Tournament

Saturday 8 June 2024 - 9.30am - 12.00pm

We are all looking forward to a chance to celebrate Barnaby Williams’ amazing young life in our inaugural Barnaby Bear Football Tournament on Saturday 8 June.

There will be two mini-tournaments, one for the U9s and one for the U11s, with little trophies on offer for the winning teams and a sporty version of Barnaby Bear to be won by the overall winners. The children will take part in House teams, and there may be more than one team per House.

If you haven't completed the online form to confirm your entry, pleasse can you do so by Tuesday 21 May to help us with our tournament planning:

Barnaby Bear Football Tournament

Joe Thackway


Year 5 Brain Training

Dear Year 5 Parents

As you will no doubt be aware, the local authority 11+ exams for entry into Year 7 in 2025 are scheduled to take place in September 2024, most likely on the second weekend of the month. Registration for the exam has already opened on the Warwickshire.gov website.

With this in mind, we would like to invite this year’s Year 5 children in for two days of Pre-Season Brain Training Sessions on Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August 2024. These will run from 9.00am until 12.45pm each day.

The children will spend each morning with their familiar Crescent teachers, including Ms Forth, Mrs Webb, Ms Clark and Mr Adkins, getting them back into gear and ready for their exams. Each day there will be taught sessions focusing on the four strands of the 11+; verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, Maths and English comprehension. Needless to say, these skills will also be useful for their Princethorpe exams on Saturday 9 November, as well as any other independent school exams they may be entered for.

Children will be expected to arrive in school smartly dressed with a mid-morning snack. They do not need to wear school uniform.

These sessions will be in addition to the revision packs that we send home at the end of the Summer Term. I am pleased to say that there will be no charge for attendance.

Please indicate if you would like to sign up by following this link by Friday 3 May 2024.

Brain Training 2024

Best wishes 

Joe Thackway


Junior da Vinci Students

After a week away from Junior da Vinci awards due to Whitemoor Lakes, there is a huge collection of awards this week!

  • Arielle in 1Q and Mithun in 4C earn their full student status in English
  • Anika, Hannah and Niamh in 2E earn theirs in Mathematics
  • Eve in 3SS and Hermione in 3LS earn theirs in Art and Tomisin, Isabella and Aria in 4C in Speech & Language. Aria also earns full student status in History, as does Nishaan in 2E
  • Grace in 6W earns hers in both Geography and Computing. There are more Computing awards which go to James in 6W. Ella and Charlotte in 4C earn theirs in Music as do Penelope and Alice in 3SS.

Congratulations to you all!

Mrs Symons
JdV Lead

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Accelerated Reader Awards

Congratulations to Jahnavi for reaching 500,000 words.

An amazing achievement.

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

This week's Word Wizards and Top Quizzers are:

Word Wizards, achieving the highest word count from successfully quizzing this week, are:

  • 3LS  Florence
  • 3SS  Alice
  • 4C    Theo Mc
  • 5F    Lewis
  • 6W   Edward F

Top Quizzers who have quizzed on the most books successfully or made a noticeable improvement in quizzing scores this week are:

  • 3LS  Uma
  • 3SS  Jack
  • 4C   Esme
  • 5F    MingYi
  • 6W   Shayla

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Times Table Rock Stars

Garage and Gigs are the most important games to show your progress. Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JdVs for Maths Practice this week.

  • Jonelle 2E has completed 24% of the course

Results for Battle 9-16 May Year 1-4 against each other - average score per class member.

  • 1st 1Q 319
  • 2nd 2E 133
  • 3rd 4C 86

Most valuable players in the whole competition:

  • 1st Alfie 4C
  • 2nd Tara 2E
  • 3rd Sofia W 1Q

Well done, 1Q! 🏆

Most improved speedsters in the studio are:


  • Roisin - Rock Legend!


  • Finn - Rock Star!


  • Tara - Headliner!


  • Florence - Unsigned Act!

TT Rock stars will block 2x, 5x, 10x and 11x on jamming if you are efficient at them, so you cannot pick easy ones just to score more points in the competition! 

Please note only the children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Art Frizzmeister 
Deputy Head

Artist Of The Week

This week's Artist of the Week are:

  • Penelope 3SS - Beautifully observed watercolour study

  • Eve 3SS - Lovely colour blends

  • Marcie 2W - Excellent seascape picture

  • Evie 3SS - Carefully drawn sketches of outdoor sculptures

  • Kiran 4C - Excellent tonal sketches

  • Ella 4C - Carefully observed sketches

  • Mithun 4C - Powerful tonal sketches

  • Hermione 3LS - Carefully presented research work

Well done to you all.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
In literacy we have used The Three Little Pigs as our focus text. We have explored repeated refrains, and written lists of building materials. We have compared different versions of the story and shared opinions.
In Maths we have revisited time and been learning to read o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks.
In PSED we have been learning about saying sorry and its importance as part of being a good friend.
Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
The next traditional tale we will be sharing is Jack and the Beanstalk. We will be exploring story settings and considering alternative characters and endings.
In Maths we will be learning about odd and even numbers. We will also revisit simple subtraction within 10 and beyond.
In phonics we have been revising all digraphs & trigraphs...
Please revisit these regularly – they are in the back of children’s reading record books.

How to help your child at home...

  • Share different versions of traditional tales - ask the children to try and read a page or two and identify familiar words.
  • Encourage children to use expression when reading aloud.
  • Continue to practise writing using cursive letters - make the purpose of writing as much fun as possible (e.g. a message in a birthday card) Make connections between capital and lower case letters.
  • Practise simple addition and subtraction problems using real life scenarios.
  • Practise doubling and halving up to 20.
  • Identify odd and even numbers in the environment – e.g. house numbers
  • Talk about the materials that are used in our homes and their properties - are they natural or human-made?
What’s going on in the coming weeks/ notices/information...
We are looking forward to seeing you next week at one of our Show and Tell sessions. The children will be sharing their Reception learning journey and are very excited!

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher


Reception Music

Reception class have had fun learning how to play percussion instruments in different ways this week, including getting louder and quieter!

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Class 1Q PE

In the absence of Miss Quirke this week and not being able to find the bucket of bats and beanbags to practice hitting a target, Ms Forth improvised! Children got their hearts beating by travelling in various styles, this started with the more traditional striding and sideways leaping and culminated in animal movements such as crabs, giraffes and kangaroos!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Year 2 History

Much excitement has hit Year 2! They have begun their moon buggys, using junk modelling as part of our moon landings topic in History. They have boxes, bottles, pots, foil, tubes – you name it, and all stuck together with an inordinate amount of cellotape. Keep an eye out for our finished models from Year 2 budding young engineers of the future!

Mrs Emery and Mr Webb
Class 2E and 2W Form Teachers


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Class 2W Maths

Children in 2W have been using their doubling skills to solve problems. Armed with strategies for doubling 2 digit numbers, they have logically laid out their solutions.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher

Go Green Stay Green

Go Green Stay Green - Eco Code

The Green Team have been working hard on the three key focus areas this academic year; biodiversity, waste and water. They are aiming to make an application by the end of this academic year for the  ‘Eco-schools Green Flag Award’.

As part of this work a new Eco-code has been developed and agreed by pupils (see photo).  Please do let The Green team know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT 
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Year 2 Athletics Festival At Crackley Hall

Last Friday afternoon our Year 2s were treated to a fabulous athletics festival over at Crackley Hall. All of our budding young athletes had a fantastic time in the beautiful sunshine, taking part in a number of different events including, sprints, javelin, long jump and high jump. The emphasis was very much on having fun and getting stuck in rather than winning, although the Crescent pupils managed both with some style!

They were even lucky enough to meet a paralympic gold-medal winning swimmer and a future GB Olympic long jump star!

Mr Adkins, Mr Webb, Mrs Emery, Mrs Olner & Miss Hanson

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U10s Win Princethorpe's Primary Football Tournament

Huge congratulations to the U10 Football team that played in Princethorpe's primary schools tournament on Monday afternoon. Playing against seven local schools, in a round robin 5-aside format, Crescent played an energetic and consistent game and, when all the scores had been added up, the team were delighted to come out as overall tournament winners!

Well done everyone and huge thanks to Princethorpe's young sports leaders who organised and refereed the games.

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U11 Girls ISA Midlands Cricket Festival.

The U11 Girls played in the ISA Midlands Cricket Festival at Malvern St James this week. They started the day playing a strong host side in their first game. The girls put up a sterling performance but unfortunately lost by 3 runs. The 2nd game against Bowbrook House saw the girls take 3 wickets with superb bowling and a great catch. They went in to bat calm and confident and produced a winning performance by 11 runs and 1 wicket. 

The next game was RGS Dodderhill, Crescent batted first with girls finding the boundary on numerous occasions and there was more confident running from all, unfortunately 2 wickets in our final over was costly resulting in -10 runs.  An early wicket in the first over and 2 further wickets kept spirits high but sadly solid batting from Dodderhill saw them take the win by 5 runs. 

Our final match was against our foundation family Crackley Hall. Superb bowling in the first over helped take 2 wickets and then a further wicket in the final over stood Crescent in good stead. Solid batting from all girls put us on a good run rate to help us win by 13 runs and 1 wicket. 

A fantastic performance from all players, despite the damp and dreary conditions. 

Mrs McCollin and Mrs Calder 

U11 Boys - 20/20 Hardball ISA Tournament at Crackley Hall

A strong first game against Derby Grammar School saw Crescent clock up an impressive 57 runs off 5 overs. The boys went out confident with both Alex's finding the boundary in the first 2 overs. After a number of quick wickets Captain Shiv stepped up with his calm demeanour to take charge of the game playing some beautiful shots and hitting a 6 on the final ball. Derby Grammar were not going to make it easy though and also put up a commendable batting performance. However, solid bowling from all of our boys and superb keeping from Alex T kept their score just short at 53 runs and 2 wickets. 

Edenhurst Prep were our next opponents. They won the toss and opted to field first, putting our batters under pressure with some solid bowling forcing our batters to play defensive shots keeping our score low. Despite some superb bowling from Crescent, Edenhurst were able to beat our score of 23 in the first 3 overs. 

In the final game against Tettenhall the boys changed up the bowling and applied new batting tactics. Fantastic bowling from all involved kept Tettenhall College to 22 runs and our new determination to up the run rate saw Crescent batters quickly beat this score in the first 2 overs. 

The pool was so competitive and we had fantastic games resulting in Derby Grammar, Edenhurst and ourselves all finishing on the same points, therefore the next round of the competition was decided on run rate per ball.  Despite our fantastic performance against Tettenhall we narrowly missed out on a place in to the next round. 

A fantastic day out full of superb cricket and some great coaching sessions in the nets by Princethorpe 6th form students and Crackley staff. The boys did us proud. 

Congratulations to all. 

Mrs McCollin and Mr Nelson

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FoC Events

FoC - Year 3 Market Day Bake Sale

Friday 24 May 2024 - 3.30pm to 4.45pm

The Year 3 Bake Sale is on Friday 24 May. As always this will start from 3.30pm and will have a range of yummy cakes and snacks selling at £1 each.

All profits will go to Year 3 to spend on entertainment for Privilege Time.

Friends of Crescent


FoC Update

Preloved Uniform Sale
We are looking forward to holding our Preloved Uniform Sale on Friday 14 June from 8.15am. Please join us for breakfast and a shop! Donations can be dropped off in the plastic container by the main school entrance. 

Summer Fete 
Somehow the Summer Fete is just over a month away. Once again we are relying on your generosity. Here's a reminder of what we need. Items can be dropped off after we return from half term. 

Chocolates, biscuits, toys, sweets, alcohol, pampering sets etc all appreciated 

Smaller items, such as stationery, games, lego, toys, sweets, craft items 

The Teddy Stall
Once again we will be rehoming your old teddies so please drop these in to school. All profits raised from this stall will go to charity.

FoC Chair


School Uniform Order Form Link

Uniform can be ordered here:

Uniform Order Form

Please note the following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account.  Do pop in to collect any items.

  • Sun hats
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String and Brass
  • Winter hats
  • Scarves

Crescent School Office

Term Dates Updated With 2025/26

Click here to view the term dates for 2023/24, 2024/25

Click here to view 2025/26.

Crescent School



School Contact Information And Links

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
01788 523850
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
Princethorpe College General Office
01926 634200
twitter:    @CrescentSchRug
facebook: @cres.school
instagram: @crescentschoolrugby

The Princethorpe Foundation Employment Opportunities

We regularly recruit for a variety of roles, please do share news of the vacancies with interested friends and family. Current vacancies include:

The Princethorpe Foundation

  • Events Co-ordinator

Princethorpe College

  • Minibus Driver

Crackley Hall

  • Class Teacher (maternity cover)
  • Teaching Assistant

Full details and information on how to apply are available on the Foundation website here:


Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.