
Odd Socks Day - 2023

Monday 20 November 2023

On Monday 20 November, we are encouraging all staff and pupils to wear colourful odd socks to recognise the importance of Anti-Bullying Week 2023. The premise of 'Odd Socks Day' is to celebrate the fact that we are all different and it reinforces our School Promise focus of, 'We respect everyone, and we are celebrate our differences'.

Our form teachers will commit time during their PSHE lesson to discuss what this means for our children, and there will be opportunities in Chit-Chit Tuesday to complete some activities and have a chance to discuss this further.

Odd Socks Day will not be a fundraising day within school but an opportunity for staff and pupils to stand together in solidarity in supporting the importance of promoting inclusivity.

For further information, please check out the website: What is Odd Socks Day? ( We look forward to welcoming your colourful, odd socks!

Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing

Scholastic Book Fair

Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 November 2023

Please take the time to come to our Scholastic Bookfair on Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 November in the Library from 8.15am to 8.40am and 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Please enter through the Main School Entrance.

Take a look at the document below which gives you some ideas of which books will be available:

Bookfair leaflet

If there are any books you would like to buy but you cannot make it in to school, then please complete this form and return it to your child's form teacher or Mrs Webb:

Order form

Most of the classes will have time to look at the books. Your child can then tell you which ones they like and you can come into school to buy them, you can pay for them in school with cash or card. Some books may need to be ordered but they will arrive usually with a week.

Thank you to the FOC for helping to run this event.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Christmas Art Day

Friday 1 December 2023

Children will be decorating the school for Christmas on Friday 1 December and they are able to wear a festive accessory with their school uniform such as a Christmas hat, hair accessory or tinsel.

Children must also have their art aprons in school.

It is a day the children look forward to every year and you will be able to see see their work at our Christmas Open Corridors.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head



Christmas Post Box 2023

We love sharing Christmas cards here at Crescent School but we ask that all cards are put in our special Christmas postbox which we will situate near the pupil entrance from Monday 4 December.

All cards must be in before Friday 15 December so they can be sorted by the Year 6 elves and handed out to pupils before the end of term.

Please remember to include the full name of the child and form on the envelope.

Thank you

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

LAMDA Showcase For Years 3 And 4

Monday 4 December 2023 - 4.00pm to 5.00pm

I am delighted to invite you to the LAMDA showcase on Monday 4 December from 4.00pm to 5.00pm.  Children will be performing their pieces of prose and poetry they have been working on in lessons.

Tickets can be booked below, two per family.

 LAMDA Showcase Years 3 and 4 Tickets

I hope you can attend and am looking forward to seeing you there. 

Miss Bowdige
Drama Teacher

Christmas Open Corridors

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 3.45pm to 4.15pm

Following Christmas Art Day, we will have our Open Corridors event where we will share with you all the great work that we have been doing in school.

Please collect your child before entering through the front door where you will be welcomed in to look at all the great work in school from 3.45pm. Years 5 and 6 will be dismissed through the pupil door.  Entry and exit will only be through the front doors. Last entry is at 3.55pm.  

If your child is in a Co-curricular club then they will be expected to attend unless you arrange otherwise. Parking will not be available on the playground due to lessons.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Nativity Performance For Reception and Year 1

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 9.20am to 10.05am

Parents and Grandparents are invited to our Reception and Year 1 Classes Nativity performance of Twinkly Nativity.

A lot of hard work goes into the rehearsals, learning the songs, memorising lines, sorting out costumes and scenery and what a spectacle it is all going to be.

Refreshments will be available from 8.45am in the Library, staff will be busy setting up the hall, therefore please do not arrive before this time. 

We are able to offer each family three tickets for the performance. Booking closes Friday 3 December 2023:

Please book here:

Twinkly Nativity 

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class RP Teacher

Year 2 Christmas Cracker

Tuesday 12 December - 9.10am

Parents of the children in Year 2 are invited to share in a performance of poetry, music and readings to celebrate the Christmas festivities.

You are welcome to come into school for light refreshments from 8.45am and the performance will start at 9.10am. 

Tickets can be booked below - 2 per family.  Booking closes Friday 3 December 2023:

Christmas Cracker Tickets 

Mr Webb, Mrs Emery, Mrs Barnes and Miss Bowdige

Christmas Carol Service

Thursday 14 December 2023 - 6.15pm to 7.45pm

This year we will again hold our Christmas Carol Service at Princethorpe College in Our Lady of the Angels Chapel. Please join us for a wonderful evening of carols, readings and re-telling of the Christmas story.

All children in Years 3-6 are required to attend. Please request permission from Mr Thackway (by emailing if your child is unable to attend for any reason. 

Please book tickets via the link below, we are limited to one ticket per family due to fire regulation safety.  If you do requre an extra ticket, please email and we will hold a reserve list.  Priority will be given to Year 6 as it is their last year.

Carol Service Tickets

Mrs Stapleton
Head of RE
Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Christmas Jumper Day

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Our Christmas Jumper Day this year will be on Wednesday 20 December 2023. On that day, children should wear normal school uniform, but instead of their green pullover/cardigan, they can wear a Christmas jumper, if they wish.

We invite you to make a voluntary contribution of £1 to wear a festive jumper, which is in aid of Children's Air Ambulance.

Ms Clark