Digital Citizenship

Digital Wellbeing Day 2023

At Crescent school and across the entire Princethorpe Foundation one of our key aims is help our pupils develop into Digital Citizens; young adults who can use a wide range of online digital tools creatively, constructively, safely and of course, happily. As part of this, Friday 17 November saw our very first foundation-wide 'Digital Wellbeing Day' celebrated across all three schools.

During the school day, pupils have had sessions focusing on how we can really take care of ourselves in the online world, examining and discussing key issues such as screen time, online addiction, social media peer-pressure and many more.

We would absolutely love for you now to continue this discussion and conversation at home with your children! There are a whole host of fantastic websites and online resources for getting started with this, so please take a look at the guides and the weblinks below!

If it's not something you already do, could you have a family digital detox day? Or spend some time creating a list of the fun things you do or would love to do that don't involve digital devices and screen time?

Websites Resources

Online wellbeing | NSPCC


Digital wellbeing | Childnet


Wellbeing - Internet Matters

Supporting Children's Mental Health

Digital Detox Poster

Tips to Manage Children's Digital Wellbeing

Screen Time Parents Guide

Social Media guide


If you would like any further information on any of this, or would like to share any of the super activities you have been up to, please do get in touch!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning