Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
We have started our new topic ‘Growing and Changing’ and used the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk as our focus text. We have talked about our favourite part of the story and thought about what Jasper might find at the top. We have planted beans and talked about what plants need to survive. Some children have predicted that our beans might grow into a beanstalk! I’m not so sure our beans are magic but you never know!                                              

We have created human timelines to show baby, child, adult and elderly stages. We have also leaned about the life cycle of a frog.

In Maths we have been solving problems and writing corresponding number sentences. We have practised counting on when adding and counting back when taking away. We have also revisited counting in 10’s.

In handwriting we are continuing to focus on capital letters.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
Our next focus texts will be, The Tiny Seed and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We will be sequencing the story and writing simple instructions and lists.

In Maths we will be revisiting money. We will be learning about the value of coins and using coins to show amounts.

In phonics we have been revising digraphs and trigraphs.

How to help your child at home...

  • Please encourage the children to play with money – practise naming the coins and show given amounts
  • Write a simple set of instructions using language  such as first, next, after, finally
  • Share family photos of different generations to prompt talk about how humans grow and change
What’s going on in the weeks to come/notices/information...
To support our topic work, please send in a baby photograph of your child. We will be looking at how we have changed as we’ve grown.
Our taster swimming session takes place on Monday 26 June. This is an exciting opportunity for the children as they prepare for Year 1. Please ensure you have completed the form that was sent out this week regarding swimming levels.
We will be visiting Stratford Butterfly farm on Thursday 29 June. We are looking forward to seeing the changes in the butterfly life cycle first hand.

Please send in a large named plastic bag so we can start filling them with the children’s wonderful work as we come to the end the year!
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher
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Class 1Q English

Class 1Q have started to learn about nature poetry. We studied Nut Tree by Julia Donaldson and made our own interpretations in groups before adding actions and preforming the poem to the rest of the class. We then engaged in peer assessment to highlight the areas which went well in our performances and suggested what could have been even better. We also completed a lesson on adjectives in preparation for writing our own nature poems. We went on a nature walk to find inspiration for our poems which we all really enjoyed!

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher
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Class 1S Nature Poems

Since half term, we have been looking at a variety of nature poems and the rhyming words we can read and explore. After our own nature walk around the Jubilee Wood, 1S came up with some amazing adjectives and descriptive phrases. We then tried to make some of them rhyme.  We all contributed to our very own class poem - we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Mrs Stapleton
Class 1S Form Teacher
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Class 1S Natural Still Life

Class 1S had their first attempt at sketching and painting still life this week as we continued our nature learning producing some lovely summer flowers. We learned how to draw petal shapes with brush strokes and how to make effects with the brushes to create these colourful pieces of art.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 1S form Teacher
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Class 2E Maths

Class 2E have taken part in a carousel of activities to practise counting in threes and applying it to their three times table. They used counters, numicon, and cutting and sticking the numbers in order to practise counting in threes and then played Ipad games to secure their times tables. A combination of concrete resources and mental maths activities works together to build strong foundations.  

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher


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Class 2W Sports Day

Children in 2W have been eagerly practising their skills ahead of a range of Sports Day events next week.  They are competitive and aiming to win but also understand that improving their own performance, being the best they can be and supporting one another is key.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher
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