
Head Pupils Announced For 2023/24 School Year

Crescent School is delighted to announce our Head Pupils for the 2023/24 school year. Our congratulations go to Timi and Shayla who have been selected to take on these important roles.

As the most senior pupil positions in the school, Timi and Shayla will be the leaders of our pupil community and will be a key link between the children and staff.

Headmaster, Joe Thackway, said, “We had many excellent applications this year, more than we have ever had before, but Timi and Shayla have led by example throughout their time at Crescent School. I offer my congratulations to them both and look forward to working with them next school year.”

Further responsibilities including the House and Team Captains will be confirmed in due course. All of our Year 6 pupils play an ambassadorial role within the school. Working in three house teams, they undertake a wide range of duties and represent Crescent School superbly at public events.

Learning Mentor Partnerships Final Reviews

Today saw pupils' final meetings with their Learning Mentors for the academic year. Children proved that they have been working to achieve their targets by showing work from their books and discussed how they felt their learning has gone this year. Please do ask them how their review meeting went.

We have been delighted with how this initiative has engaged the children from Year 1 to Year 6. The mentor meetings have proven to be a powerful way for children to realise where they are at in their attainment and how they can progress their learning by taking ownership of their personal 'next steps'.

View Gallery

Next Year's House Captains Announced

Earlier this week, all three Houses met separately, to consider who might be their House Captains for next year. Children in Year 5 were invited to write letters of application and deliver a speech for the other children to listen to and think about.

The first thing that is worth saying is very well done to all those children who put themselves forward. This takes some real courage and is done in the knowledge that it might end in less than success, which makes it that bit tougher.

The children then voted, and the teachers and TAs also played their part in the final decision. This year we decided to appoint three children in each of the houses, many congratulations and the best of luck to them all.

Red House

  • Alice 
  • Alex G
  • Harry 

Yellow House

  • Maisie 
  • Sam B
  • Grace 

Blue House

  • Leela
  • Shiv
  • Alex T
Joe Thackwy


Foundation News: Changes In The Princethorpe Admissions Team

Vanessa Rooney, Princethorpe's wonderful Registrar for the last seven years, is stepping down from the role with effect from the end of June. She is handing over the reins to Assistant Registrar, Catherine Rogers, who has been appointed following a thorough recruitment process earlier this term.

Grove du Toit, College Headmaster, comments, “Vanessa has done an exceptional job as Registrar at Princethorpe over the last seven years. She has been a welcoming face and voice to so many families, and parents often comment on how well they are looked after by her and the team. We will be sad to see Vanessa go, but Catherine is a worthy successor, having come out top of a strong field of candidates and will I know maintain the high standards and friendly approach we have come to expect from the team.”

He continues, “We thank Vanessa for her tremendous dedication and service to the College and wish her well in her new endeavours.”

The College is now recruiting for an Assistant Registrar to replace Catherine, the deadline for applications is Monday 19 June, click here for more information on the role.

Summer Fete Celebrates Crescent’s 75th Anniversary

Past and present pupils, parents, staff and trustees came together on Saturday 10 June to mark Crescent School’s 75th anniversary. Out on the school playing fields the Friends of Crescent hosted a traditional summer fete, while inside the school old pupils enjoyed wandering through the classrooms and exploring the archive displays.

The anniversary fete was well attended with pupils and teachers from across the generations, from the sixties through the eighties and on to more recent years, returning to visit their old school. Many were delighted to find old photos of themselves, and fascinating memorabilia retrieved from the archives. Foundation Archivist, Catherine Lewis, was kept busy as old pupils put names to photos and shared memories and even donations for her collection. The oral history booth was popular with all, who were happy to record their memories of life at Crescent School.

The school fields were transformed thanks to plenty of enthusiasm, gazebos and bunting and the British weather blessed us with superb sunshine, allowing all to relax and enjoy themselves and their ice creams.

It was a very special occasion, enjoyed by everyone, that gave many the chance to reconnect and share fond memories.

Our thanks go to all the staff, pupils and parents who contributed to the celebrations and also to all the past pupils and teachers who attended and made the event such a great success. We do hope they enjoyed their walk down memory lane.

We encourage everyone who has a connection to the school, or who would like to share their memories and be kept up to date with news from the school, to register on Princethorpe Connect here or to email

Young Artists’ Summer Show Artwork

In March, Mrs Thackway submitted some of the children’s artwork for consideration for the Royal Academy Young Artists’ Summer Show. It was a very competitive competition with over 21,000 submissions and the judges were completely blown away by all the entries. They said they loved every piece of artwork that was submitted and found making the final selection incredibly hard. Unfortunately, none of our children’s work was selected this year but the judges thanked the children for sharing their creativity with them and encouraged them to have another go next year.

In last Friday’s assembly, the children received their certificates from the Royal Academy and shared their wonderful artwork with the rest of the school. We wanted to share their super artwork with you too. Have a look at the gallery to admire their amazing work.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
View Gallery

Sun Safety Poster Winners

Many congratulations to our Sun Safety Poster competition winners Marcie, Esme, Thomas and Aydin. They are pictured here with their prizes and winning designs in front of our school UV Index.

We had lots of amazing entries to our poster competition; it was good to see that the children understand the importance of being safe in the sun.

As the good weather continues, we remind everyone to continue to Slip, Slop, Slap and Seek, Slide, Slurp!

All the posters will go on display around school to promote Sun Safety here at Crescent School.

Reception Toys Wanted

Reception Class would be grateful for any of the following items if you are having a sort out.  

  • Play dough rolling and cutting equipment
  • Magnetic letters and numbers
  • Jigsaw puzzles/wooden puzzles
  • Small world play sets eg garage, castle
  • Sand and water toys

Please drop them into the School Office.

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Crescent School Presents Project Rockband

On a Friday morning, before school, Mr Russell meets with his Band Ensemble for a jamming session.  Mr Adkins popped in a few weeks ago to film them.

Our very own School of Rock!

Project Rockband


Crescent School