Welcome to The Courier, Crescent School's e-newsletter.

We have a bumper edition this week as we come to the end of a busy half term. The children have enjoyed non uniform day, thank you for your donations to our fundraising for this term's chosen charity, Bwengu Projects.

There has been plenty going on around school - so do read the Around The Classes updates.

Have a good break everyone and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 27 February.


Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

Welcome to the final letter from me for this half term. It has been a happy and productive one in school and has seen us through to the half term holiday in fine fettle. I know many of you will have trips away planned for the week ahead and I very much hope they go to plan and you are able to get in some much needed R&R. I know the hard-working staff here will look forward to taking things a bit easier and enjoying a few late lie-ins.

In our assembly earlier in the week, we learned a little about the life of Saint Valentine but focused more on the relative value of desirable items in our modern society. Probably nobody was very surprised to learn that Ronaldo’s weekly salary of £3,400,000 would buy him approximately 15 averagely priced family homes in the United Kingdom every week. Some children were though a little shocked to find that a painting consisting of splashes and spots of colour was easily the most expensive item we talked about, at £100 million. The fact that it was a Jackson Pollock original may, or may not, have persuaded them of its intrinsic value.

We compared the prices of these items with the cost of simple acts of love or care for a friend or relative. These come free of charge, and for the children in their loving homes and in their caring school, happen on a daily basis. I hope this message got home to the children. It was nice to illustrate it with the story of our local lollipop man, who had helped one of our younger children who had fallen from their scooter on their way into school that very morning. Simple acts of kindness don't cost anything to anyone but make all of our days worth living.

On a personal note, our weekend in Dartmouth with James last week was most enjoyable and gave us a real insight into the life he is leading at the moment and is about to embark on, hopefully in his career ahead. He looked resplendent in his Navy uniform, and Mandy and I were both bursting with pride, as you can imagine. The week ahead for him may not appeal to everybody however, as he is spending it living in a bivouac on Dartmoor. In the midst of unpredictable February weather this should provide some interesting challenges. Personally, I'd love to be able to go and join him. 

Whatever you have planned for the week ahead, I wish you all the very best, and look forward to seeing you and the children back safely in school on Monday 27 February.

Joe Thackway


Important Information

Design An Easter Garden

We are holding our next exciting House Competition - Design an Easter Garden.                

Please design, plant and create an Easter Garden, over the next few weeks. Please use a seed tray or something of a similar size. Choose your own Easter theme and work on your own or with your sibling/s.


  • 1st prize - 150  house points and an Easter egg
  • 2nd prize - 100 house points and an Easter egg
  • 3rd prize – 50  house points and an Easter egg

All entries will be awarded 5 house points.

Please do not bring your gardens into school but do send in a photo of your completed garden by 9am on Wednesday 22 March to:

We look forward to receiving photos of your amazing gardens!

Thank you

Mrs Johnson 
Head of Science and DT
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Weekly Information

Weekly Calendar

Weekly Calendar

Please click on the link below to view next week's calendar:

Weekly Calendar - 27 Feb 2023 

There is no Street Dance this week as previously advised.

Please ensure children have the correct kit for their afterschool clubs. 

After School
Provision can be booked through My School Portal selecting the sessions you require.
If you require your child to have tea, please ensure bookings are made by 10.00am each day. 
Crescent School

Lunch Menu Week Commencing 27 February 2023

Please click below to view the lunch menu for next school week, children are able to have either the Main or Vegetarian option. 

Lunch Menu - 27 February 2023 

Crescent School

Termly Calendar Information and Changes

Below is a link to view the Lent Term Calendar.  Please note the following changes:

Thursday 9 March 2023
Reception Vision Screening - this has been rearranged to 5 June 2023.
Thursday 16 March 2023
Destinations Meeting -  Please note the change of date for this meeting. This will now take place on Thursday 23 March at 7pm.
Crescent School

Music Lesson Timetable

Click on the link below to view the Music Lesson timetable for week commencing 27 February 2023.

Please ensure children have their instruments in school as lessons may not be able to be rearranged.

Music Lesson Timetable

The password has been emailed to parents. 

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music



Bwengu Projects Fundraising Off To A Great Start

Thank you all for your huge generosity and support of our fundraising for Bwengu through our non-uniform day today. The Crescent School has been supporting the work of Bwengu Projects in Malawi for over fifteen years now. This year it is the turn of 4C to raise money for the project. Today has got their challenge off to a great start as we have collected £266.65. Watch out for details of more Bwengu events after half term.

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Farewell to Mr Moore

In our Good News assembly this morning, all the children and staff at Crescent school bid a fond farewell to Mr Moore, our chef manager.

Stephen has been with us for the last three years and is a very popular figure amongst both staff and children. The children had made a lovely card for him, with lots of nice messages giving thanks for all the lovely meals over the years. He always has a kind word and a gentle smile for the children, and he will be much missed. 

As he is an ardent Star Wars fan, Mr. Moore left with a message to us all: ‘May the force always be with you’. 

Joe Thackway

Year 1 Took A Whistlestop Tour Of The Weather

Year 1 explored the weather and seasons in a whistlestop tour around the world on Thursday 16 February. In an exciting workshop they experienced a range of climates, thanks to the Freshwater Theatre Company.

The classes have been getting to grips with weather in their Geography lessons in school and workshop facilitator and Earth Explorer, Debra Meftah, used drama, role play and storytelling to help bring their studies to life.

The children took a memorable and engaging trip to the blistering heat of the Sahara desert, the monsoons of India and the bitter chill of Antarctica and back, meeting camels, elephants and penguins along the way.

Year 1 teachers, Ms Quirke and Mrs Stapleton, said, “The children were excited by the workshop and clearly all enjoyed the session, and it was great reinforcement for their learning in class.”

Well done Year 1, like all British people you clearly are fascinated by the weather!

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World Book Day £1 Book Tokens

All children should be bringing home a £1 book token. This is a great excuse to buy more books for you to enjoy over half-term. Take a look at the specially produced books for World Book Day or you can just put the voucher towards the cost of the book that you really want to read.

Happy reading!


Mrs Webb
Assistant Head 


Blue Peter Amazing Authors Competition

Many of you love an excuse to write. This is a great competition from Blue Peter where you can write a story or a poem. Please use the link to find out further details and let me know how you do. Half term could be a great time to become immersed in your writing.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head


St David's Day

Wednesday 1 March 2023

Children in Yellow House can wear one item of yellow clothing with their unform on St David's Day.

Crescent School 

Parent Consultation Evenings For Years 6

Wednesday 1 March - 4.00pm to 6.30pm

Thursday 2 March - 5.30pm to 8.00pm

We all value the importance of these meetings to share and discuss your child's academic progress.  

The booking system is now live for you to book your Year 6 Parent Consultation Evening appointments. All details can be found in the email circulated this week.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Academic



Parent Consultation Evenings For Pre-Prep

Monday 6 March - 4.00pm to 6.30pm

Wednesday 15 March - 5.30pm to 8.00pm

We all value the importance of these meetings to share and discuss your child's academic progress.  

The booking system is now live for you to book your Pre-Prep Parent Consultation Evening appointments. All details can be found in the email circulated this week.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Academic



Parent Consultation Evenings For Specialist Teachers For Year 5

Wednesday 1 March - 4.00pm to 6.30pm
Thursday 2 March - 5.30pm to 8.00pm

These are important meetings to share and discuss your child's academic progress.  

This is your chance to talk face to face with your child’s specialist teachers. I won’t be available for Year 5 appointments as I am a specialist teacher for Year 6 and will be seeing those families on that evening.  However, Year 5 will receive their full midyear report at half term and there will be an extended consultation in Trinity Term with me and Mrs Webb.   

The booking system is now open to book your appointments. All details can be found in the email circulated last week.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Ms Forth

Deputy Head - Academic



Orchestral Workshop Performance To Parents

Crescent School is hosting its annual Orchestra Workshop in conjunction with Crackley Hall on Tuesday 7 March. There will be a concert for parents of those playing at 4pm on that day.

Refreshments will be served in the Library from 3.45 pm. Unfortunately we cannot open the playground for parking as there is an extra-curricular sport club using it, so please park considerately in the roads nearby. The concert will be finished by 4.30, at which point you will be able to take your child home.

Parents of children in Orchestra can book tickets here:

Orchestral Performance 

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Parent Consultation Evenings For Years 3 And 4

Wednesday 8 March - 5.30pm to 8.00pm

Monday 13 March - 4.00pm to 6.30pm

We all value the importance of these meetings to share and discuss your child's academic progress.  

The booking system is now live for you to book your Year 3 and 4 Parent Consultation Evening appointments. All details can be found in the email circulated this week.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Academic




Thursday 9, Friday 10 and Monday 13 March 2023

LAMDA exams will be held on the above dates for those children who have registered.  

I will advise children of their date and time in due course. All exams will take place during the school day.

Miss Bowdige
Drama Teacher

Crescent School Spring Open Morning For Prospective Parents

Saturday 11 March 2023 - 10.00am to 12.00pm

We are opening our doors to prospective families for a Spring Open Morning on Saturday 11 March 2023 from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Please do share news of the Open Morning with family and friends.

It is a perfect opportunity to come and have a look around the school, meet key members of staff and find out why the school has been awarded excellent in all areas by the ISI in their recent inspection. 

Families are invited to book on to one of two sessions, 10.00am and 11.00am. After a short welcome presentation by Mr Thackway, Headmaster, visitors will be guided around the school where they will be able to watch sporting displays and listen to instrumental performances; there will also be the opportunity to visit classrooms and children can participate in activities.

To book a place please click here.

For more information about availability or about the Open Morning please call Registrar, Mrs Helen Morley on 01788 523851 or email admissions@crescentschool.co.uk.

Alternatively please visit our website www.crescentschool.co.uk for more information.

Princethorpe College - March Open Morning

Tuesday 14 March 2023 10.30am to 12.30pm

The College's Open Morning will give prospective families a chance to visit the school on a normal working day, with Year 8 and 9 pupils acting as tour guides. The Leadership and Admissions Teams will be available to answer any questions visitors might have. Light refreshments will be available.

All are welcome, please book your place by clicking here.

Entrance Examinations Day for September 2024 entry will take place on Saturday 11 November 2023 from 9.30am to 3.30pm. The deadline for registrations, scholarship and bursary applications is Friday 29 September 2023.

If you have any questions please contact the Admissions Team on 01926 643201/297 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

Music Exams

Tuesday 14 March 2023
Music Exams will be held on Tuesday 14 March 2023. The timetable will be circulated to parents in due course.
Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

World Book Day

Friday 3 March 2023

It seems such a long time since we have dressed up for World Book day in school. This year we are celebrating it on Friday 3 March. To celebrate this we are asking the children to come to school dressed as a character from a book. Perhaps this is something you could create over half term.

We love our reading at Crescent school and hopefully this will encourage the children to be further inspired.

All we ask is that the children are dressed appropriately and safely for a day of learning.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Crescent School Easter Service

Friday 24 March 2023

Our Easter Service will be held in the School Hall on Friday 24 March, including a telling of the Easter story by the Choir and Class 5F. We do hope you will join us for the most important festival in the Christian year.

Please enter via the front entrance from 2.30pm where refreshments will be served prior to the service. We will start promptly at 2.45pm and finish by 3.30pm so children can be collected at normal dismissal time.

Two tickets per family will be available for parents of children in Choir and Class 5F.  Please book here:

Easter Service

There will be a retiring collection in aid of Bwengu Projects Malawi.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head

Princethorpe College Year 5 Crescent School Taster Day And Parents’ Information Session

As the Princethorpe Admissions Cycle for 2024 entry begins, the whole of Year 5 are warmly invited to a taste of senior school life at Princethorpe College on Tuesday 25 April 2023. The dedicated taster day will begin at 9.30am with the children transported to the College by minibus from Crescent School. Pupils will experience a variety of classroom sessions, a tour of the school and a question and answers session with current pupils. Break and lunch will be provided and there is no charge for the day.

At the end of the afternoon, parents are invited to a Parents’ Information Session. The session will commence at 4.30pm, finish at approximately 5.15pm and light refreshments will be served. Grove du Toit, Princethorpe’s new Headmaster, along with other key members of staff, will be on hand to talk to you about the College, its ethos and vision and to outline the admissions process. Children will also have the opportunity to trial the online CEM test, one of the exams that prospective pupils complete during the Entrance Examinations Day, which will take place on Saturday 11 November 2023 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

Please click here to access the online booking form for the Year 5 Taster Day. Please complete and submit the form by 5.00pm on Monday 6 March to secure a place for your child.

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact the College’s friendly Admissions Team on 01926 634201/297 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.


School Promise Certificates

In our Good News Assembly this morning we awarded School Promise certificates to recognise the children’s excellent behaviour as Good Friends, Good Learners or Good Citizens. 

Well done to:


  • Alexander - Good Learner for consistent effort in directed learning tasks
  • Ruby - Good Citizen for looking after the classroom environment 


  • Jonelle- Good Learner for aways trying her best in lessons and listening carefully and for being kind to everyone
  • Nishaan - Good Learner for a fantastic attitude towards learning and always ready and keen to try his best  


  • Olivia-Rose - Good Learner for a consistent positive approach to her learning across the curriculum and making good progress
  • Isla - Good Learner for her enthusiasm towards her learning and wanting to challenge herself, especially in Maths


  • Uma - Good Citizen for always making kind and sensible choices and following the school promise beautifully. 
  • Elliott - Good Learner for always listening, working hard and trying his best leading to excellent progress.


  • Max - Good Citizen for his respectful, helpful and well mannered approach to all members of the school community
  • Penelope - Good Learner for her drive to challenge herself and to add detail/think through problems independently


  • Alfie - Good Learner for having a super positive attitude towards his learning; loving a challenge and working extremely hard to improve tricky areas
  • Esme - Good Friend for always seeing the positive in everyone and being quick to help and support everyone in class, not just her friends


  • Max T - Good Friend for always looking out for his friends and helping others to resolve conflicts 
  • Maya - Good Learner for always being focused and having the motivation to do her best


  • Edward G-H - Good Learner for working much harder and learning from mistakes
  • Alex T - Good Citizen for taking pride in being a Crescent Pupil


  • Mya - Good Learner for not being afraid of a challenge
  • Annalise - Good Friend to all 
  • Ellie - Good Citizen for always being helpful

Junior da Vinci Students

There are three children who have achieved full Junior da Vici student status this week. Congratulations to Zahra (6W) who earns hers in Mathematics, Alice (2W) who gains her in English and Saira (6W) who achieves hers in Science and DT. Well done to you all.

Mrs Symons
JdV Lead

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Lunchtime Supervisors Top Table

Thank you to Samuel, Edward, Roisin, Kiran, Nimeeta and Theo for their good conduct, good manners and respect for others during lunchtimes.

The lunchtime supervisors decided that you are this half term's recipients of Top Table invitations.

Joe Thackway


Accelerated Reader Achievements

This week's reading champion is Lilah who is a word Millionaire.

Well done.

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

This week's Accelerated Reader Superstars are:

Top Quizzers are:

  • 3S  Kian
  • 4C  Alex B
  • 5F  Edward F
  • 6W Harry

Word Wizards are:

  • 3S  Esme
  • 4C  Lewis
  • 5F  Sofie
  • 6W Chloe

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant


Pre-Prep Reading Certificates

Pre-Prep reading certificates have this week been awarded to:

  • Anaya
  • David
  • Kiaan
  • Lota
  • Max
  • Niamh
  • Oscar 
  • Sofia (LS)
  • Vihaan
Well done to you all.
Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep


Scientist And Artist Of The Week

Well done to this week's Scientists and Artists of the Week:


  • Class 3S are Rock Stars after their visit to the Natural History Museum in Oxford


  • Ava (6W)
  • Saira (6W)
  • Albert (5F)
  • Darius (5F)
  • Maggie (5F)
  • Oliver (5F)
  • Gwen (2E)
  • Isabella (2E)
  • Henry (2W)
  • Klara (2W)

Well done all.

Crescent School

Times Table Rockstars

Garage and Gigs are the most important games to show your progress.

Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JDVs for Maths Practice:

  • Daniel 1Q completed 100% of the course.
  • Mithun 3S completed 48% of the course.
  • Esme 3S completed 24% of the course.
  • Nora 3S completed 24% of the course.
  • Leela 5F completed 24% of the course.
  • Emily 5F completed 72% of the course.
  • Sam B 5F completed 48% and 72% of the course.

Results for Battle 9-16 February 1S, 2W, 4C, 6W against each other- average score per class member.

  • 1st 4C 216
  • 2nd 2W 41
  • 3rd 6W 8

Most valuable players in the whole competition: 

  • 1st Matthew 4C
  • 2nd MingYi 4C
  • 3rd Eve 2W

Well done, 4C!

Last week most improved speedsters in the studio are:

Feranmi - Unsigned Act!
Eve - Busker!
Alice - Rock Star!
Hattie - Breakthrough Artist!
Emily - Rock Star!
Erin - Headliner!
Saira - Gigger!

No battle over half term, just play for fun, progress and JdVs!

Please do not do jamming and pick easy tables - that does not improve your maths skills and could lead to disqualification from competitions.  Children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Stay Calm and Rock on!! 

Art Frizzmeister 
Deputy Head


Children’s Mental Health Week

Following the ‘Let’s Connect’ artwork celebrated in the Courier last week, other classes have completed tasks to raise awareness of Children’s Mental Health Week too.

In Reception the children passed a smile in circle time, watched a clip about what mental health means and talked about ways they can keep our minds healthy like their bodies.

They picked up half a heart and got into pairs with whoever had the matching half and made each other a valentine's card. They also gave their partners compliments and said what they liked about each other.

1Q connected by finding out more information about each other and spending some time engaging in mindful colouring and 2E played ‘Connect 4’ which enabled them to find out new things about their classmates and used this to win their game.

4C completed the paper chain activity from the ‘Place2Be’ website in their PSHE time.

5F tried out Pebble Time this week. It is a way to focus on your mind and breathe. Smooth the tactile pebble and reflect on successes or squeeze out your worries, it is effective for both. All you need is a pebble.

In Year 6 like to use questions in registration, open philosophical ones often led by the book, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox And The Horse. They often ask for a question and love listening to and chatting about their own outlooks from this.

It’s been a fantastic response with all classes recognising the need to look after our mental health as well as our physical one – the children enjoyed our whole school ‘Connect Bingo’ too. Look out for further initiatives from our Wellbeing Champions in the coming months!

Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing
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Around The Classes

Reception Round Up 

Some of the things the children have been learning...

It’s hard to believe we have reached the middle of the academic year – time certainly does fly when you’re having fun!

We have introduced doubles in Maths. We have looked at the relationship between simple addition and subtraction. We have used scales to compare weights of classroom objects.

In handwriting we have introduced cursive letters r and u, both part of Rupert the white sheep’s short, straight line letter family.

We have used the stories, The Snail and The Whale and Stickman in Literacy. We have identified rhyme, sequenced main events and completed simple comprehension tasks.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the coming weeks...

Our new topic, ‘Pirates and Mermaids,’ will see us setting sail on some new learning adventures. We will have daily ‘treasure challenges’ and be finding out why pirates love underpants in our focus literacy text.

In Maths, we will be counting on and counting back to solve addition and subtraction problems. We will also be revisiting money and playing shops in role play.

In phonics we have been introduced to blends;

  • br as in broom

  • cr as in crab

  • cl as in clown

  • gl as in glass

  • fl as in flag

  • bl as in black

  • pl as in play

  • sl as in slug

How to help your child at home…

  • Please clarify sounds that are mis pronounced, such as th not f
  • Encourage the children to blend words when reading together. Explore rhyming words
  • Look closely at letter size and position when practising cursive writing
  • Encourage the children to keep a simple holiday diary to share on their return to school. This could be a few photos or scrap book type journal
  • Practice writing numbers 0 - 20, correcting any reversals
  • Recall doubles to 20
  • Compare sizes of familiar objects using simple mathematical language
  • Match numerals to amounts
What’s coming up/notices/information...
If you have anything at all that might enhance our class ‘pirate and mermaid’ topic, please send into school after half term.       
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher  
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Class 1Q Roundup  

1Q were very busy on Tuesday making Valentine's Day cards for some of the people we care about. This week in Maths we have been doing a recap of what we have learnt throughout this half term and played games to put our skills into practice. In English, we became authors and have started writing our own owl books remembering to always check our work for C.H.I.P.S.

We also had a very exciting and engaging visitor in Year 1, Debra Meftah, where we explored the weather and seasons around the world. This really helped us to consolidate our learning this half term and we even managed to take a quick trip round the world seeing some wonderful animals and weather conditions. 

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher
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Class 1S Mastering Maths

1S have been practising counting on in 2s, 5s and 10s and working hard to recognise the patterns within this. We have been applying our learning into the recognised format of times tables to introduce the children to multiplying through songs, physical activities and later into our workbooks. Some of our children have expressed an interest in joining the Crescent Times Table Rock Stars community so we have been supporting this on their maths journey too!

Mrs Stapleton
Class 1S Form Teacher

Year 2 Animal Sculptures

Class 2W and 2E have had fun creating their animal sculptures. They carefully observed and modelled the shape and texture of the animals then painted them in the correct colours.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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Class 2E Round Up

This week has been quite a maths heavy week with some revision sessions of what we have covered since Christmas followed by two end of half term quizzes. As a little light relief, fresh air and exercise, we enjoyed some time outdoors on the activity trail.

In phonics, we reviewed the four ways we have already learnt to make the ‘o’ sound before introducing a fifth way. We enjoyed some dice games, including snakes and ladders, to help us secure correct spelling patterns.

In English, we have been in the ICT suite researching characteristics of an animal of our choice. We then used our findings to write a diary recount from the view-point of our animal - practising writing in the first person, using past tense correctly and including a range of different conjunctions to extend our sentences.  

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher
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Class 2E And 2W Animal Rumble Grumble

2E and 2W children continue to work hard to practice their words, songs and movements for their production of Animal Rumble Grumble coming up in March.

Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep

Class 2W Bossy Verbs

Children in 2W have been using imperatives in their sentences to write instructions in the style of author Neil Gaiman. We have focused on using 'bossy verbs' to begin our sentences and adding detail to make the interesting.

E.g. "Go through the calm and quiet house - don't be scared of the dog (he's just excited.)" 

"Never go inside the soaking black well - the water will poison you."

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher
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Craft Club Develop Their Sewing Skills

Craft Club were developing their sewing skills this week with a little help from Mrs Dowling’s secret supply of pom poms. On pieces of hessian the children drew their own designs before decorating with stiches and applique. Lots of skills were on show, from the original design drawings to the choice of decoration and materials and the concentration and attention to detail as they worked individually to create their pieces. Really super stitching everyone – but remember to look after those precious pom poms!

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Co-Curricular Chess Club Tournament

This half term's chess tournament final saw James victorious over Matthew in a very close match.

Well done, James!

Ms Forth
Deputy Head Academic

Digital Citizenship

Using Technology To Get Outside - Geocaching!

As the weather starts to turn a little warmer and we start seeing the sun again, we can once again get out for some much needed fresh air! We often tend to think of technology and apps as being the antithesis of exercise and outdoor pursuits, but it can in fact provide the perfect stimulus for a real alfresco adventure!

If you have never heard of geocaching, it is essentially a massive outdoor treasure hunt, using GPS and a smart device to locate thousands of hidden ‘caches’ or boxes all over the world! It has been around for a little while now, but it has never been more popular. Technology often gets a bad reputation for putting a stop to children playing and exploring outdoors, but this is certainly a great way to combine both, along with some other fantastic educational and developmental benefits. To get started all you need is a GPS enabled phone and the (free) Geocaching app. From there it’s just a case of scanning your local area for caches, then setting off on a treasure hunt! The caches themselves vary from large boxes, to tiny film canisters and even fake rocks with hidden compartments. Often the caches contain a small trinket to take away and most have log books to sign to record your find. If this all sounds like fun, please have a read of some of the websites linked here for a handy starters guide!

A great guide to geocaching with small children:

Top tips for getting started:

The official geocaching website:

The official geocaching app:

If you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of computing, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning

Crescent School Podcast - Episode 4

Please click on the link below and have a watch of the next exciting instalment from the Crescent Podcasting team! This entire episode has been edited and produced by the very talented Tegan and of course stars our whole team of budding presenters and journalists!

The Crescent School Podcast - Tegan Edition

If you any feedback, comments or suggestions, please get in touch.


Mr Adkins & The Year 6 Podcasters


U9 Boys Hockey

U9 A v Bilton Grange 2-1 Win
A very tight and tense game against local rivals Bilton Grange with Crescent taking an early lead with Matthew scoring a cracking goal into the bottom left corner. Bilton Grange came out strong after the start of the middle third to equalise.
Bilton Grange kept their momentum and the attack coming with solid defence from Matthew, Sam and Alex B keeping strong to prevent any further goals. The final third was very quick paced with Bilton Grange missing 2 goals. Maxi capitalised from a free hit outside the D to take the winning goal in a very exciting goal. Great team performance by all.
Most Valuable Player (MVP) went to Maxi E.

Written by Matthew (Captain), Sam (Vice-Captain) and Maxi (MVP)

U9 B v Bilton Grange 5-0 Loss
The score line did not represent the performance or percentage time on the ball in the attacking D. Crescent played extremely well learning from mistakes in the first third of the game. Plenty of scoring opportunities that we couldn’t quite finish and Bilton Grange were fast on the counter-attack. When in attack we looked menacing and strong with some fantastic linking play from Aryaan, Akaal and Max T.
MVP was awarded to Max T. 

Written by Aryaan (Captain)

U10A Netball vs King Henry VIII

A very excited team were ready to give their best effort on the court against King Henry's. It was a quickfire match with very evenly matched sides, but Crescent dominated the first two quarters in their attacking circle.

Strong, dynamic moves by Alice, Sofie, Maggie, Roisin and Grace resulted in lots of shooting opportunites, and Maisie had her eye in on goal scoring 3 by half time. 

The final quarters brought the defence into play more as the Henry's mid-court players found their fluency, so Leela, Hattie, Shayla and Emily had to battle hard. One goal was conceded, but the final score was a 3-1 win.

It was lovely to see the girls playing with increased confidence.

Well done all.

Mrs Dowling
Teaching Assistant Sport


FoC Disco

Last Friday we were delighted to welcome 155 children to our two discos. The afternoon started with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and it was a joy to see them having such a brilliant time. Our professional DJ, Bouncing Bob had them eating out of his hands and the screaming was so loud when he brought out the snow and bubble machines it seemed like they might raise the roof! They all looked lovely in their best party clothes and were a delight to host. 

The second disco for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 seemed the trickier prospect on paper, with a real age range, some of which are harder to engage. Not a problem for Bouncing Bob - again he had them on his side from start to finish and that includes the teachers! Who knew Ms Forth was so good at 'flossing' (apparently just pretend you are making the shape of an isosceles triangle with your body - obvs!) while Mr Thackway couldn't help but join in with Sweet Caroline

This year to help engage Year 6 (not usually a fan of the disco) we created a VIP area behind the curtain in the hall. It was then decked out by the Year 6 parents at their own cost, with other extras such as a red carpet, back-stage laminate passes and additional props. Not forgetting the bouncers! The Year 6 parents did a fabulous job and it was a treat to see the Year 6-ers 'letting go' as much as those in the younger years. I was informed by a Year 3 pupil that she "can't wait to be Year 6 so she gets her own VIP area". As a current Year 5 parent I am already nervous about how high the bar has been set! 

As always we are tremendously grateful to all those who gave up their time to help - from the parents who gave out the snacks, to the teachers who stayed on to sign out each child at the end of each disco. Special mention to Mrs Webb for being so supportive in her role as school liaison for FoC and helping make the event such a success. Roll on next year!  

After costs, the event raised £392.29 which is a great result. We already have plans for reinvesting this within school for the children and look forward to revealing these plans after half term. 

Inez and FoC


Useful School Contact Information And Links

Please see below for useful school contact information:

Crescent School Office
01788 521595
Postal address: Crescent School, Bawnmore Road, Bilton, Rugby CV22 7QH
After School Club
Miss Wrzesniacka
01788 523850
Bills, Fees and Online Payment
01926 634273
01788 523851
School Shop and Uniform
01926 634272
Platform Links:

Term Dates

Click here to view the term dates for 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Crescent School



School Uniform Items Stocked At School

The following items are stocked in the School Office and can be added to your account:

  • Winter hats
  • Scarves
  • Gloves
  • Ties
  • Swimming hats
  • Sports socks
  • Hair bands
  • Hair scrunchies
  • Hair clips
  • Sun hats
  • Music group badges - Choir, Orchestra, String, Brass and Wind

Please do contact admin@crescentschool.co.uk in if you need any of the above items.

Crescent School Office

The Princethorpe Foundation Employment Opportunities

The Foundation has the following vacancies:

Princethorpe College

  • Teacher of PE and Girls' Games (maternity cover)
  • AV and Theatre Technician
  • Grounds Supervisor
  • Admissions and Marketing Administrator

Crackley Hall

  • Aftercare Leader

Full details and information on how to apply are available on the Foundation website here:


Should you know anyone who might be interested in these posts, please do share this information with them.