FoC Disco

Last Friday we were delighted to welcome 155 children to our two discos. The afternoon started with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and it was a joy to see them having such a brilliant time. Our professional DJ, Bouncing Bob had them eating out of his hands and the screaming was so loud when he brought out the snow and bubble machines it seemed like they might raise the roof! They all looked lovely in their best party clothes and were a delight to host. 

The second disco for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 seemed the trickier prospect on paper, with a real age range, some of which are harder to engage. Not a problem for Bouncing Bob - again he had them on his side from start to finish and that includes the teachers! Who knew Ms Forth was so good at 'flossing' (apparently just pretend you are making the shape of an isosceles triangle with your body - obvs!) while Mr Thackway couldn't help but join in with Sweet Caroline

This year to help engage Year 6 (not usually a fan of the disco) we created a VIP area behind the curtain in the hall. It was then decked out by the Year 6 parents at their own cost, with other extras such as a red carpet, back-stage laminate passes and additional props. Not forgetting the bouncers! The Year 6 parents did a fabulous job and it was a treat to see the Year 6-ers 'letting go' as much as those in the younger years. I was informed by a Year 3 pupil that she "can't wait to be Year 6 so she gets her own VIP area". As a current Year 5 parent I am already nervous about how high the bar has been set! 

As always we are tremendously grateful to all those who gave up their time to help - from the parents who gave out the snacks, to the teachers who stayed on to sign out each child at the end of each disco. Special mention to Mrs Webb for being so supportive in her role as school liaison for FoC and helping make the event such a success. Roll on next year!  

After costs, the event raised £392.29 which is a great result. We already have plans for reinvesting this within school for the children and look forward to revealing these plans after half term. 

Inez and FoC