
School Promise Certificates

In our Good News Assembly this morning we awarded School Promise certificates to recognise the children’s excellent behaviour as Good Friends, Good Learners or Good Citizens. 

Well done to:


  • Alexander - Good Learner for consistent effort in directed learning tasks
  • Ruby - Good Citizen for looking after the classroom environment 


  • Jonelle- Good Learner for aways trying her best in lessons and listening carefully and for being kind to everyone
  • Nishaan - Good Learner for a fantastic attitude towards learning and always ready and keen to try his best  


  • Olivia-Rose - Good Learner for a consistent positive approach to her learning across the curriculum and making good progress
  • Isla - Good Learner for her enthusiasm towards her learning and wanting to challenge herself, especially in Maths


  • Uma - Good Citizen for always making kind and sensible choices and following the school promise beautifully. 
  • Elliott - Good Learner for always listening, working hard and trying his best leading to excellent progress.


  • Max - Good Citizen for his respectful, helpful and well mannered approach to all members of the school community
  • Penelope - Good Learner for her drive to challenge herself and to add detail/think through problems independently


  • Alfie - Good Learner for having a super positive attitude towards his learning; loving a challenge and working extremely hard to improve tricky areas
  • Esme - Good Friend for always seeing the positive in everyone and being quick to help and support everyone in class, not just her friends


  • Max T - Good Friend for always looking out for his friends and helping others to resolve conflicts 
  • Maya - Good Learner for always being focused and having the motivation to do her best


  • Edward G-H - Good Learner for working much harder and learning from mistakes
  • Alex T - Good Citizen for taking pride in being a Crescent Pupil


  • Mya - Good Learner for not being afraid of a challenge
  • Annalise - Good Friend to all 
  • Ellie - Good Citizen for always being helpful

Junior da Vinci Students

There are three children who have achieved full Junior da Vici student status this week. Congratulations to Zahra (6W) who earns hers in Mathematics, Alice (2W) who gains her in English and Saira (6W) who achieves hers in Science and DT. Well done to you all.

Mrs Symons
JdV Lead

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Lunchtime Supervisors Top Table

Thank you to Samuel, Edward, Roisin, Kiran, Nimeeta and Theo for their good conduct, good manners and respect for others during lunchtimes.

The lunchtime supervisors decided that you are this half term's recipients of Top Table invitations.

Joe Thackway


Accelerated Reader Achievements

This week's reading champion is Lilah who is a word Millionaire.

Well done.

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant

Accelerated Reader Top Quizzers And Word Wizards

This week's Accelerated Reader Superstars are:

Top Quizzers are:

  • 3S  Kian
  • 4C  Alex B
  • 5F  Edward F
  • 6W Harry

Word Wizards are:

  • 3S  Esme
  • 4C  Lewis
  • 5F  Sofie
  • 6W Chloe

Mrs Nelson
Teaching Assistant


Pre-Prep Reading Certificates

Pre-Prep reading certificates have this week been awarded to:

  • Anaya
  • David
  • Kiaan
  • Lota
  • Max
  • Niamh
  • Oscar 
  • Sofia (LS)
  • Vihaan
Well done to you all.
Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep


Scientist And Artist Of The Week

Well done to this week's Scientists and Artists of the Week:


  • Class 3S are Rock Stars after their visit to the Natural History Museum in Oxford


  • Ava (6W)
  • Saira (6W)
  • Albert (5F)
  • Darius (5F)
  • Maggie (5F)
  • Oliver (5F)
  • Gwen (2E)
  • Isabella (2E)
  • Henry (2W)
  • Klara (2W)

Well done all.

Crescent School

Times Table Rockstars

Garage and Gigs are the most important games to show your progress.

Pupils who have reached landmark % on automatic training mode in the Garage and Gigs and therefore are awarded JDVs for Maths Practice:

  • Daniel 1Q completed 100% of the course.
  • Mithun 3S completed 48% of the course.
  • Esme 3S completed 24% of the course.
  • Nora 3S completed 24% of the course.
  • Leela 5F completed 24% of the course.
  • Emily 5F completed 72% of the course.
  • Sam B 5F completed 48% and 72% of the course.

Results for Battle 9-16 February 1S, 2W, 4C, 6W against each other- average score per class member.

  • 1st 4C 216
  • 2nd 2W 41
  • 3rd 6W 8

Most valuable players in the whole competition: 

  • 1st Matthew 4C
  • 2nd MingYi 4C
  • 3rd Eve 2W

Well done, 4C!

Last week most improved speedsters in the studio are:

Feranmi - Unsigned Act!
Eve - Busker!
Alice - Rock Star!
Hattie - Breakthrough Artist!
Emily - Rock Star!
Erin - Headliner!
Saira - Gigger!

No battle over half term, just play for fun, progress and JdVs!

Please do not do jamming and pick easy tables - that does not improve your maths skills and could lead to disqualification from competitions.  Children should play on their account or it influences the level appropriate to them.

Stay Calm and Rock on!! 

Art Frizzmeister 
Deputy Head