
LAMDA Showcase

Action! Last week many children from Years 3 to 6 took to the stage to show off their acting skills. The children have been learning poems for their LAMDA exams in March and the performance showcased pupils reciting the poems with aplomb. In their drama lessons children have been building confidence, developing character, learning how to project and developing the use of gestures, emphasis and emotion to enhance their performances. 

In addition to this, the children have supported each other, giving constructive feedback as they learn about stage craft. 

Throughout the evening there were group performances, solos and duos and many children beat their nerves to give outstanding performances. 

I am extremely proud of everyone who took part and would like to thank all children, staff and parents for their hard work and dedication to making the event so fabulous. 

Mr Adkins has pulled together the photos into this great Vimeo to watch:

LAMDA Showcase

Miss Bowdige
Drama Teacher

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) Changes

Please see information from TTRS below regarding changes they have made:

A recent change to the popular Jamming mode is one you need to know about as it will apply to your learners at some point.

Simply put, when a player is already acing the 10×, 2×, 5× or 11× table they won't be able to select them in Jamming.

Why we’ve made this change
Prior to this change, some players (not necessarily at your school) were selecting easy times tables for themselves in Jamming either to win coins or to perform better in a Battle of the Bands, which was adversely affecting leaderboards, morale and, potentially, learning gains.

In itself, that's not always a problem but becomes detrimental when it sways a competition, influences who earns certificates or means they're spending less time sharpening the facts that need more practice.

With immediate effect...

  • So long as they can answer the 2s in under 2.6s/q on average, they won't be able to choose the 2s in Jamming
  • So long as they can answer the 5s in under 2.6s/q on average, they won't be able to choose the 5s in Jamming
  • So long as they can answer the 10s in under 2.6s/q on average, they won't be able to choose the 10s in Jamming
  • So long as they can answer the 11s in under 2.6s/q on average, they won't be able to choose the 11s in Jamming.

What do I need to do?

Update the app on devices – if the TTRS app hasn't been updated since 2022, it'll need an update. The website is already good to go, as is any app version from 2023.


Where is the average recall data coming from?

A player's average recall on each table comes from all game modes apart from Jamming. In other words, we know how they're doing on the 10s, 2s, 5s and 11s based on their answers in Garage, Gig, Studio, etc.

Will they be blocked from the 2s, 5s, 10s and 11s if any one of them is below 2.6s/q?

No, they will only be blocked from the ones on which they are below 2.6s/q. So they could be blocked from the 11s but not the others, for example.

What about tables other than 2, 5, 10 and 11 - do they get blocked?

All other tables in Jamming remain available regardless of how quickly they can respond. That's so Jamming is still a mode where they can make choices and enjoy timer-free rounds.

Does this only apply when Battle of the Bands are in play?

No, this block on specific tables in Jamming applies regardless of whether there is a Battle of the Bands in play.

Can they lift a block on the 2s, 5s, 10s or 11s?

The block on a table will lift if the pupil's recall time becomes slower than 2.6s/q in the other game modes. For example, a player has a block on the fives because they can answer sub 2.6s/q. However, when playing in other games their average recall on the fives drops to 3.2s/q. In that case, they'll be able to choose 5 again in Jamming.

Cricket Kit and Summer Dresses Order Form - Reminder

All pupils in Years 3-6 will be playing cricket in their Games lessons in Trinity Term and we are hoping to have some cricket fixtures.  For those who would like to wear the kit we offer a cricket shirt, trousers and sleeveless slipover which can be ordered here. The cricket kit is not compulsory.

Cricket will also be played in Co-Curricular Team Sports for Years 5 and 6 after February half term.  Again it is not compulsory to wear the cricket kit. The cover photos shows the Year 5 boys in the cricket kit.

Summer Dresses can also be ordered here.  These will be worn after Easter with Blazers and white socks.

Please place all orders by Friday 17 February for delivery to school after half term.

Tamsin Frost
Foundation Shop Assistant