Important Information

Destinations Meeting for Years 4 and 5

Please note the change of date for this meeting which will now take place on Thursday 23 March at 7pm. This is an important event for parents of children in Years 4 and 5 to attend, where we will talk about the different options available to the children when they transfer to secondary school in Year 7 and how to navigate your way through. There are pros and cons to different formats for this meeting and we are keen to meet your needs as best we can.

Please indicate on the link below, by Friday 10 February, whether you would prefer the meeting to take place in person in school, or as a Live Teams Event (where you can participate online and it is available for later viewing).  

Year 4 and Year 5 Destinations Meeting

Joe Thackway

Fraudulent Links On Social Media

Users posting fraudulent links on social media sites, usually via bogus accounts, is a common way for cyber attackers to attempt to gain credentials. These links are often posted as comments under legitimate posts, often pretending to be relevant to the original post. Clicking on the link would then prompt the user to enter credentials which would be stolen, or would attempt to download malware onto the device.

It has come to our attention that some phishing links such as those described above have been posted as comments on Princethorpe College Facebook posts, by unknown accounts. Our marketing team have been quick to hide and remove the comments and links, but it is important to be aware of this practice and avoid any suspicious links. Public facing social media such as the school’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles can be targeted in this way, as can the social media profiles of any organisation, and we will always do our best to remove suspicious posts quickly.

The links in question purported to link to live streams of school hockey matches. The school does not live stream any sports matches, and would certainly not publicly post any links in the event we were to stream these. This is one example but please do beware of this practice both on school social media posts and all other forms of social media, in order to protect your accounts and data.

Co-Curricular Clubs Clarification - FoC Disco Reminder

Friday 10 February 2023

If your child is going to the Disco, or going home to get ready before (Upper School Disco only), and will not attend their Co-Curricular clubs please can you let Mrs Tucker know in advance so we can ensure the children are in the correct locations at dismissal time. 

Please note paid for clubs will not be made up/refunded if they do not attend.

Further information on the Disco can be found here.

Crescent School