Around The Classes

RSPB Birdwatch

Thank you to those of you who sent in photos from the Big Garden Birdwatch last weekend. Please do have a look through the photos in the gallery.

Mr Thackway certainly enjoyed getting out into his garden to record the birds that visited and all the data that has been recorded will help the RSPB build a better picture of how birds are faring in the UK.

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Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
We have continued our ‘Hot and Cold’ topic and used stories, Ridiculous and A Little Bit of Winter to think about animals that hibernate. We have explored which animals hibernate and why.  We have explored hot and cold colours and created textured cold collages and ‘hotpotch’ hot pictures.

In Maths we have been exploring number composition and used our knowledge to solve simple oral problems. We have introduced height and length and measured objects using non-standard units.

Some of the things the children will be learning in the coming weeks...
In preparation for Valentine’s day, we will be creating individual love potions and written love messages.

Our focus text in literacy will be ‘Stick Man’ and we’ll be writing labels, captions and exploring rhyme.

In Maths we will be revisting addition and subtraction. We will be exploring simple language associated with both and the numerical pattern between both operations.

In phonics we have been introduced to blends;

  • lf as in self
  • lk as in milk
  • pt as in swept
  • xt as in next
  • tr as in tree
  • dr as in drip
  • gr as in grab

How to help your child at home…

  • Please clarify sounds that are mis pronounced such as th (often said as f)
  • Encourage the children to blend words when reading together
  • Explore rhyming words
  • Look closely at letter size and position when practising cursive writing
  • Practice writing numbers 0-10, correcting any reversals
  • Compare sizes of familiar objects using simple mathematical language

What’s coming up/notices/information...
This week we have introduced the ‘Mini da Vinci’ award in Reception. These are awarded in recognition of excellent work and/or effort. The children are very excited about Mr Thackway coming to class to present special ‘Mini da Vinci’ stickers.

Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher
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Class 1Q Round Up

In 1Q Maths this week we have been studying 3D shapes. We have discussed the differences between 2D and 3D shapes as well as looking at 3D shape properties. 

In English, we used the ipads to carry out research on our favourite nocturnal animals which we made notes on to later use in our writing. 

In Art, we made badgers using a dabbing process with cotton buds.

In Games this week, we created our own Maui moves in groups before presenting them to the rest of the class.

Ms Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher

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Class 1S Nocturnal Animals

Our project this half term has been about nocturnal animals in English and in Art, so we would like to show you some of the animals we have been learning about!  From bats to badgers and role play as foxes, we have had fun creating our classroom displays.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 1S Form Teacher
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Classes 2E And 2W Music

In Music Class 2W made up rhythmic patterns on percussion instruments. Working in pairs they took turns to play their pattern to their partner, who had to try to play it back.

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music
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Classes 2E And 2W Make Pizzas

In Design and Technology, Year 2 have been learning about food and where it comes from. The children have learnt how a healthy diet consists of a balance of varied food types. They have designed and created their own healthy pizza. 

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher
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Class 2W Computing

Class 2W children love to read the levelled books online, answering the questions to develop their understanding, and to further consolidate classroom Maths learning every couple of weeks in our Computing suite.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher

Co-Curricular Tae Kwan Do Grading Success

Children from the Afterschool Focus Taekwando had their gradings last Sunday.  As you can see from the photo there was a lot of success.  Mr Perks said there was a very high standard from Crescent children.

Uma and Isabella have now moved to the Thursday night class due to their grading despite only being in Year 2 and Year 3.

There are still spaces in the club if anyone wants to join.  Taekwondo really is a sport anyone can enjoy and is an excellent way to improve your fitness, confidence and general well-being.