Around The Classes

Class I Mindfulness

As well as our physical health, we have been talking to the children about their mental health and, in more child friendly terms, ways to make ourselves feel calm and happy.

The children found a space in the classroom, got comfy and took part in a mindfulness session where they were taught how to relax different parts of their body before being taken on a magical adventure to a secret tree house. They learned that whenever they feel worried, they can just close their eyes and go back to this safe and calm place.

All children took part beautifully and we only had three that were asleep by the end of it! 

Mrs Emery
Class I Teacher

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Class I Cross Curricular Learning

Our learning in RE this half term sees an introduction to the Muslim faith. By combining RE with drama, art and maths, the children are able to build a fuller picture of the topic and broaden their learning.

We have talked about the properties of shape and practised creating and following patterns for maths; understood the origins of Islamic art and developed our creativity and tessellation skills; and learned about the Prophet Mohammed and used drama to re-tell some of his famous stories. Some great learning has taken place.

Mrs Emery
Class I Teacher

Class I Tanagram Art

Class I have been working with tangrams in Art lessons this week, making fabulous patterns and pictures.

Mrs Byrne
Art Teacher

Class II Explore Rain Forest Locations

Class II have embarked on an incredible journey exploring where rain forests are in the world and we have started by learning about the difference between climate and weather. In pairs children were given a different country and discovered what the climate is like and how it differs to the UK. To demonstrate their understanding, they presented weather forecasts as if they were on the news!

Mrs Stapleton
Geography Teacher
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Class II Science Fun

Year 2 children were investigative and practical in meeting the challenge of making the bulb light up in their Science lesson.  Some extended this by adding further equipment to brighten the bulb.  We went on to represent our working circuits with accurate drawings.

Mr Webb
Class II Teacher
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Class III & IV Philosophy Club

How many ways could you sort a pack of cards or a set of dominoes?  The children used colours, suits and numbers but there are many other ways.

By doing this the children are recognising that other people may have a strategy that they may have not thought of. They have to learn to explain their thinking, listen to others and strive to think in a creative way.

What answers would you have come up with?

Ms Lowe
Senior Teacher

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Class III RE Learning

Class III have been considering God as Creator in RE this week and to represent the biblical view of creation, the children have begun a new display to show their understanding. It won't be finished for Open Corridors on Friday, but we will have it up for you to see very soon!

Mrs Stapleton
Class III Teacher
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Class III Myth Writing

After discovering the fate of Daedalus and Icarus, we have embarked on writing our own myths this week. We have included a problem and resolution, designed mythical creatures and decided if special objects will help our heroes succeed.

Mr Thackway was delighted to award Junior da Vincis for creativity as well as mastery to Faris, James, Charlotte, Evie, Liana, Stephanie and Katherine. Mrs Lowe came to see our display and read through some of the ideas and said, 'It was a pleasure to see the excellent myths Year 3 have written. The use of language was phenomenal! I cannot wait to teach them further up the school".

Mrs Stapleton
Class III Teacher
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Class IV Create Felts

Class IV began making their felts this week using the 'wet process'. They started with wool and teased it to make base layers and decorated it with Kandinsky circles/shapes on the top.  The wet process is where they wet the felt, add soap flakes and bubble wrap it and then squeeze it in order for the wool to bind to become felt!

Mrs Byrne
Art Teacher
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Class IV Thinking Skills

Class IV have really grown in confidence with their verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills since starting thinking skills lessons in September.

The children are focusing on developing their vocabulary; each lesson they are given a new word to look up in the dictionary, write in a sentence and find a range of synonyms and antonyms for the word. 

Mrs Yates
Class VY Form Teacher

Class IV Create Prayer Flowers

We have been exploring how and why believers pray across different religions, and as part of this we have reflected on what we might pray for and for whom. Class IV designed Prayer Flowers which when made, open up slowly on water to display their writing. A fascinating and reflective time for us all!

Mrs Stapleton
Head of RE
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Year 5 Maths

Do you know your prime numbers from your square numbers? Your digital roots from your square roots? Year 5 have been learning about these and how to use divisibility rules to classify numbers. 

Mrs Yates
Class VY Teacher
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Class VY Science

Class VY have been comparing the bounce of different balls in their Science lessons this week.

Mrs Byrne
Science Teacher
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Class VI Visit St Mark's Churchyard

As part of Class VI's study of local Victorians, we visited St Mark's churchyard on Tuesday. Armed with clip boards and record sheets, the investigative historians looked at the headstones to find people who had died during the Victorian era. They recorded the years and ages of death as well as popular names of the time. The children were shocked to find some very young children's graves which provoked discussion about living conditions and life for Victorians.  

Mrs Yates
History Teacher
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