Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I enjoyed an excellent meeting earlier this week with the Friends of Crescent, looking back at some of our events this year and putting plans in place for the future. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful group of hard working and well organised parents working behind the scenes to raise money both for charity and projects within school that will benefit all or most of the children here. Earlier this term, Mrs Causer from the FoC joined our School Council meeting to discuss a range of subjects including our plans for future charity fundraising. There are some great opportunities for developing this partnership in the future which will have the significant added benefit of improving the children’s sense of ownership and ensure that the pupil voice is being heard in a range of contexts.

One thing we talked about was the possible purchase of a bike and scooter shelter for the school. This was something that was mentioned by three different respondents in the recent parental questionnaire. Having got the go ahead from the committee I will look into the practicalities of this with Pete Wilkes, who heads up the Estates team here.

This all fits in well with our School Promise theme for the week gone by. We were focusing on being Good Citizens and in particular thinking about showing respect and tolerance for other faiths and cultural traditions. Our assembly on Tuesday focused on the life and achievements of Martin Luther King where we reflected on his great personal courage and the legacy of equality and peaceful protest he left behind. Thank you and well done to Year 6 pupils Sam, Rebecca and Mehul, who read with such clarity and confidence in the assembly.

The freezing temperatures on Wednesday denied us our usual midweek sporting action. This was a hard one to call for our home netball fixture but there were sizeable icy patches on the courts where the sun at this time of year doesn’t quite reach. Inevitably, and rightly, we have to err on the side of caution when making these decisions. We will do all we can to rearrange these matches, given the restrictions of the calendar. Luckily a slight improvement in the weather meant the U9 games on Thursday were able to go ahead as planned.

As you receive this newsletter many of you will be looking round at the open corridors at school and getting yourself up to date with all of the excellent work that the children have been producing in the term so far. I hope that you are as impressed with what they do as I am when they bring me their work to show me in my office.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Joe Thackway

School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the new School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period. It would be great if you could discuss this with your children at home and support the messages we are emphasising in school.

This week’s promise is in the category of Good Friends. In my assembly next week I will be telling the children about the life of St Kevin of Glendalough and his love of animals. Please feel free to look him up and share his message of gentleness with your children over the weekend:

‘We are gentle and caring’

Joe Thackway