Around The Classes

Reception Mouse Skill in Computing

This week Reception class had a fantastic time practising and developing their mouse skills by playing some very fun games in the ICT Suite! Focusing on how to hold and control the mouse properly, they demonstrated how they could point and click, as well as drag objects to complete a range of fun activities! The teachers were blown away with just much they could do independently!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning 
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Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
We have set sail with our new ‘Pirates’ topic and discovered why pirates love golden underpants! Our role play area has taken the shape of a pirate ship and we have all thought about a pirate name we would choose. We have used word mats to support writing a pirate’s packing list.
In Maths we have been doubling numbers to 10 and beyond. We have been exploring ways to make 10 and recording number sentences.

In PSHE, we are thinking about ways to stay healthy. We have sorted a variety of food and talked about ways we can keep our teeth healthy with regular brushing, a healthy diet and trips to the dentist.

In phonics we have been introduced to blends...

gl   pl   cl   sl   sp   st   tw   sm

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
We will be reading and sequencing simple instructions for ‘How to make a pirate hat.’ We will be writing shopping lists and building sentences using high frequency words.

We will be comparing and ordering numbers to 20. We will start to explore place value of teen numbers as a ten and some ones.

How to help your child at home...

  • Encourage children to read simple instructions and recipes. Talk about the features of this style of writing
  • Write a shopping list encouraging the children to write the sounds they hear
  • Practise recall of number bonds to 5 and 10
  • Visit ‘Bug Club’ to supplement daily reading – if you need a reminder of log on details please let us know
What’s going on next half term/notices/information...
I’m looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks for parent consultation meetings.
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher

Class 2W DT

Classes 2E and 2W have been learning how to prepare and cook soup and bread rolls. They have been very busy dough making, peeling and chopping and they will take home their 2E 'Extra-delicious soup' and 2W 'Wonderful soup' on Friday.

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Class 1Q French

Class 1Q have been learning the months of the year in their French lessons. They have been practising with the Alain le Lait song and with various picture symbols. Their next target will be to say the date of their birthday in French.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Year 2 Art

Class 2E and 2W have worked hard to create these wonderful clay sculptures. After carefully modelling their animals out of clay, they then painted them in the correct colours.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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Class 2E 100 Day Party

Class 2E have been studying place value and marking the passage of the school year on their classroom chart. Understanding ones and tens and applying this knowledge to different calculations takes plenty of practise but the children have all worked very hard. So on Friday 23 February, 100 days since the start of the school year, it was time to celebrate with a special 100 day party.

The children enjoyed preparing, making party hats and decorations and getting the classroom ready. Then in the afternoon the children got on with the serious business of having fun. There were traditional party games including pass the parcel and musical chairs. I couldn’t resist including the odd mathematical challenge in between layers of pass the parcel but with their ever growing skills, the children answered the questions with ease. After all the games were finished it was time to sit down and share some party food before finally having a dance and enjoying some fun with balloons.

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher
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Class 2E Maths

In maths this week we have been extending our learning about fractions to understand mixed numbers and how to count in halves. We created a human number line and placed whole and half numbers on to it. We then got the play dough out to make our own whole fruits and then practised cutting them into halves to make mixed numbers. 

Mrs Emery
Class 2E Form Teacher
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Class 2W PE

Children in 2W recognise that physical activity benefits their body. This week we have played the 'beans' warm up game: getting our hearts beating faster and our breathing deeper. We then developed our control and accuracy by hitting a ball through the air directly to our partner.

Mr Webb
Class 2W Form Teacher


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