Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

Welcome to another edition of the Courier and it's always a nice time of the week when we know we have got through to another Friday and hopefully have got a relaxing weekend to look forward to. It has been an unusual week in that we have had a leap year day to celebrate in school. The one thing I always think of when it's a leap year is that it must be an Olympic year as well, which is always something I really look forward to.  
It has certainly been a busy week with trips to Oxford University and workshops at Mary Arden’s Farm being two of the highlights. I particularly enjoyed watching the girls play netball on Tuesday in a home fixture against King Henry's. The endeavour of the girls and the goodwill of the spectators gave me a really good inner feeling and reminded me of what school sports should be all about. The games were close battles and everyone involved from both schools played in exactly the right spirit. 
Sadly, the weather has taken its toll on one or two of the sporting events this week but there has still been plenty to celebrate. 
It was also nice to have Saint David's day fall on a school day this year as well, and lots of the children in the Yellow House recognised this with their little flashes of yellow in their clothing today. There is an old tradition in Wales that St David’s lesson for us all was that ‘the little things in life matter’. Taking the time to say and do those small acts kindness and thoughtfulness make such a difference to other people's lives. This was a very apt and timely message to share with the children in assembly this morning. 
I was also able to share with them the Barnaby Bear that a local business lady has made as a mascot for next week's funeral. She stepped into the breach voluntarily and at very short notice to gift us a beautifully handmade memory-teddy that will be cherished for years to come by the family, I am sure. I showed it to the children in Year 5 earlier in the week and one child very sensibly said ‘We must find a way to thank her’. Indeed, we must. 
Finally, thank you to everyone who responded to our form regarding next week's events and Barnaby’s funeral. This has given us a really clear idea of who is coming into school and has enabled me to put together a strong plan to make sure those in school are well cared for during the day. Next Wednesday will be a difficult day for us all I am sure but it is so important that we mark it in the right way and share with the family all of the love and happy memories that everyone here at Crescent School has for our good friend Barnaby. 
Have a good weekend everyone. 

Joe Thackway