FoC Events

FoC - Class 2W Market Day Bake Sale

Friday 15 March 2024 - 3.30pm to 4.45pm

Class 2W Bake Sale is on Friday 15 March. As always this will start from 3.30pm and will have a range of yummy cakes and snacks selling at £1 each.

All profits will go to Class 2W to spend on entertainment for Privilege Time.

Friends of Crescent

FoC Disco

Just a reminder that the Disco date has changed on Classlist and Facebook from 8 March to 26 April. This was due to a number of children being away for the ISA Football Finals in addition to their parents - many of whom are key FOC helpers and we wouldn't be able to run the event without them!

Hopefully the new date is convenient for all.

Inez and FoC