Important Information

Residential Photos - Safeguarding

As the Residential have started, photos will be shared on Seesaw by staff where possible. For safeguarding reasons, please could I remind all families NOT to share any photographs from residentials on any form of social media.

Many thanks for your support of this.

Mr Webb
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Watches In School

We discourage watches being worn in Pre-Prep but they can be worn in the Upper School to aid learning. Watches worn by children in Upper School should have no capacity to communicate, play games or take pictures.

Thank you for you cooperation with this safeguarding matter

Mr Webb
Pastoral Head

Open Evening

We are looking forward to welcoming visitors to the school on Tuesday 14 May. Any Year 5 or 6 involved need to be returned to school via the pupil door for 5pm unless you have signed up for Afterschool that evening.

Year 5 need to be in their sports kit and Year 6 in summer school uniform with blazers.

Collection is via the pupil door at 7pm. Their help is much appreciated as the children are the product of our school and allow visitors to see what our school is all about.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher


Sun Hats And Sun Cream Reminder

As the weather is getting warmer please ensure children have their Crescent School sun hat in school and sun cream. Crescent sun hats can be purchased form the school office.

Crescent School