Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

The weather couldn't have chosen a better week to put its smiliest face on as two of our residential trips have enjoyed perfect spring conditions for their adventures.

I managed to get along to both of them for at least some of the time, with the Year 3 children loving the combination of circus tricks, assault courses and ping pong at Whitemoor Lakes. The Year 4 trip to Ilam Hall was a new one for us this year and I was particularly keen to get along to that. The setting of the hostel was genuinely stunning, housed in an old manor house nestled in the Dovedale valley. The children managed a considerable hike up a nearby hill and managed to do so with happy smiles and plenty of energy left for racing around and orienteering later on. Good luck to the Year 5 children who head off next week to Worcestershire for their go.

In fact, I haven't been in my office much this week and also enjoyed an afternoon of cricket at Crackley Hall, two excellent performances from our teams, as well as a theatre visit this morning with Year 3 classes. It does mean my e-mail box is groaning under the weight of unanswered mails unfortunately. I'm sure it will keep me occupied gainfully this evening and I'll soon catch up.

Another proud moment this week was the handing over of our £2000-plus check to Mrs Melia from the Bwengu project charity. This represented a great community effort and many thanks to everybody for all of their contributions.

I do hope you're able to enjoy what looks like being another lovely weekend and if you didn't manage to last week, this surely must be the time to dust down the barbecue and enjoy some of the good life.

Joe Thackway