
Wellbeing Team Promoted Positive Mental Health

Crescent’s Wellbeing Team were out and about promoting positive mental health before half term, during Children’s Mental Health Week. Pupils organised lots of fun activities to support this year's event.

The children extended their Chit-Chat Tuesday session to encourage their friends to express themselves and to help them understand this year's theme for the national week of, 'Your Voice Matters'. There were posters to colour, chalks to draw with, construction toys to play with, books to read, games to join in with, costumes to dress up in, a stage to perform on and much, much more.

In school, in their PHSE lessons, pupils engaged with different activities using resources from the charity Place2Be to highlight the importance of connection and its benefits for our mental health and wellbeing.

If you are interested in finding out more about Children's Mental Health, there is plenty of useful information and resources for families on their website here

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Bereavement Books

This week we have had on display in the break-out area a number of books that support children dealing with bereavement and loss. We are most grateful to Evelyn’s Gift and to Rev Margaret Simmons from St Oswald’s for providing them.