Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

With three weeks gone of the spring term, it is already really noticeable to see how the days are lengthening, which is particularly helpful for afternoon fixtures and clubs. We have also had our first full moon of the year, so 2024 is properly up and running.

This week in school there has been quite a bit focus on the Big Garden Birdwatch that takes place this weekend. We started with a whole school quiz on bird identification in our assembly on Tuesday, where three of the pupils were able to beat all of the teachers. Well done to Hattie, Zac and Lewis; good knowledge. During Science lessons this week, Mrs Johnson has been working with the children preparing them for the weekend, making models, setting quizzes, getting out into the Forest School and constructing birdfeeders made of junk and up-cycled materials.

If you are able to get out this weekend with your children, it would be great to see some photos of them taking part. Please send them in to admin@crescentschool.co.uk and we will make them into a fun montage to show in our Good News assembly next week.

On the environmental theme, I dropped in on the meeting of the children’s Green Team earlier in the week, and it was great to see all of the initiatives they are putting together as part of our Eco-School accreditation. One very nice event on the horizon is a day’s workshop installing water butts to collect rainwater and building an eco-friendly, miniature water-harvesting roof. The children in the team will share all of this with the whole school in assemblies and you’ll be able to see some nice pictures and details on social media, I am sure.

A special well done to our cross-country teams who made the long trek out to Bedstone College on Wednesday. The behaviour was really good, the teams competed well, and there were some lovely personal successes to celebrate as well. You can read the full story in Mr Adkins’ report further on in the Courier. 

Finally, I would like to flag up the parents’ workshop ran by Mr Webb and Mrs Stapleton on Monday, which was really thought provoking and positive. It was great to see a healthy turnout for this and if you missed it and would like another chance to attend, there will be a re-run of the same event next Thursday at 5pm in the school hall. I do recommend it.

In the meantime, I wish you all a restful weekend.

Joe Thackway