Around The Classes

Class 3LS French

Class 3LS have been learning the vocabulary for clothes in French. Here are some photos of their work and the tasks they have been doing. They also enjoyed watching a music video produced by teenagers about clothes in French.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Class 3SS ICT

Year 3 continued their work on computer animation today by having a first go at making StopMotion animations. They will be making longer projects shortly, but just to give you a taster, here are Catherine and Henry's amazing animations from today's ICT lesson!

Catherine's Animation

Henry's Animation

Mr Adkins
Head of Didgital Learning

Class 3SS English

We are loving our exciting text of Fantastic Mr Fox and this week we have been role playing different characters to help us understand their personalities better. This has then helped us write letters and speeches in role with persuasion and expression.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 3SS Form Teacher

Class 4C French

Year 4 have been learning the vocabulary for clothes in their French lessons. They enjoyed watching a video clip with a clothes song performed by French teenagers and they did lots of speaking practice with various flashcard games. By the end of the lesson they were able to remember all the key vocabulary.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Class 5F Historical Timelines

Class 5F have applied mathematical thinking to chronological timelines this week. They had to decide the order of events, but the trickier part was if a number of years were in BC, not AD, so the larger number the year the longer ago it was!

Mrs Symons
Class 5F History Teacher

Year 5 And 6 Book Bingo

As a way to encourage children to read a variety of genres, children can now play book bingo. The idea is to read a line, column or diagonal on their card. They still quiz on the books or talk to us about it, if it not quizzable. This has been embraced by a number of children in Year 5 and 6, who have already achieved a line. They are also enjoying the rewards of house points as well.

Mrs Webb
Class 5F and 6W English Teacher

Class 6W Modal Mastery

Class 6W are using their mastery skills to create educational videos for other children to learn about modal verbs. Many of them used iMovie, edited and then uploaded to Seesaw.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W English Teacher

Co-Curricular Year 3 STEM Club

Year 3 STEM club are working on an exciting project, bringing together science, technology, engineering and maths to build a bug hotel for our school. So far, the children have carried out research, chosen the best location in school and Mr Knowles has been to visit, to talk us through the building process. We hope that the bug hotel, along with some rewilding, will help to increase biodiversity on our school grounds. Next week, we’ll start building!

Ms Clark
Class 4C Form Teacher

Co-Curricular Year 5 Craft Club

Craft Club were still thinking of the festive season when they chose to make their very own gonks from wool. As you can see they all have their individual style and look fantastic. 

Mrs Dowling
Teaching Assistant