
Year 5 Frank Chapman Centre Residential - Parent Information Session

Tuesday 14 November 2023 - 4.00pm

All Year 5 parents are invited to an information session about the residential trip to the Frank Chapman Centre. This will be an opportunity for you to find out what happens there, note the key dates and ask any initial questions. 

This will be held in the Class 5F form room at 4.00pm on Tuesday 14 November 2023. Your child is also welcome to attend, and it should last no more than 30 minutes. 

Ms Forth/Mr Adkins
Class 5F Form Teacher/Trip Leader 24

Digital Wellbeing Day

Friday 17 November

At Crescent School and across the entire Princethorpe Foundation one of our key aims is help our pupils develop into Digital Citizens; young adults who can use a wide range of online digital tools creatively, constructively, safely and of course, happily. As part of this, Friday 17 November will see our very first foundation-wide 'Digital Wellbeing Day' celebrated across all three schools.

Over the day pupils will be focusing on how we can really take care of ourselves in the online world, examining and discussing key issues such as screen time, online addiction, social media peer-pressure and many more. We will also be sending home some helpful guides to digital wellbeing, along with some great tips and talking points to keep the discussions going at home!

If you would like any further information on any of this, or would like to get involved yourself as a parent expert, please do get in touch.

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning

Odd Socks Day - 2023

Monday 20 November 2023

On Monday 20 November, we are encouraging all staff and pupils to wear, colourful odd socks to recognise the importance of Anti-Bullying Week 2023. The premise of 'Odd Socks Day' is to celebrate the fact that we are all different and it reinforces our School Promise focus of, 'We respect everyone, and we are tolerant'.

Our form teachers will commit time during their PSHE lesson to discuss what this means for our children, and there will be opportunities in Chit-Chit Tuesday to complete some activities and have a chance to discuss this further.

Odd Socks Day will not be a fundraising day within school but an opportunity for staff and pupils to stand together in solidarity in supporting the importance of Anti-Bullying Week.


For further information, please check out the website: What is Odd Socks Day? ( We look forward to welcoming your colourful, odd socks!

Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing

Scholastic Book Fair

Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 November 2023

Please take the time to come to our Scholastic Bookfair on Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 November in the Library from 8.15am to 8.40am and 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Please enter through the Main School Entrance.

Take a look at the document below which gives you some ideas of which books will be available:

Bookfair leaflet

If there are any books you would like to buy but you cannot make it in to school, then please complete this form and return it to your child's form teacher or Mrs Webb:

Order form

Most of the classes will have time to look at the books. They can then tell you which ones they like and you can pay for them in school or online.  You will receive the books when you have let us know which books you want and payment has been made.

Payments can be made without even coming into school but please make sure you return the wish list to us so we can get the books from the bookcases. 

Thank you 


Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Christmas Art Day

Friday 1 December 2023

The children will be decorating the school for Christmas on Friday 1 December.  They are able to wear a festive accessory with their school uniform such as a Christmas hat, hair accessory or tinsel that day.

Children must have their art aprons in school.

It is a day the children look forward to every year and you will be able to see see their work at our Christmas Open Corridors.

Crescent School



Christmas Open Corridors

Wednesday 6 December 2023 - 3.45pm to 4.15pm

Following Christmas Art Day, we will have our Open Corridors event where we will share with you all the great work that we have been doing in school.

Please collect your child, Years 5 and 6 will be dismissed through the pupil door, before entering through the front door where you will be welcomed in to look at all the great work in school from 3.45pm. Entry and exit will only be through the front doors. Last entry is at 3.55pm.  

If your child is in a Co-curricular club then they will be expected to attend unless you arrange otherwise. Parking will not be available on the playground due to lessons.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head