Important Information

Good Luck Year 6

This weekend many of our Year 6 children are taking the Princethorpe College Entrance Exam. We know they will show their best and are more than ready for the challenge. We have been working hard to build their confidence and self-belief that they all can do it, whilst consolidating all that they have learnt through their time at Crescent. 

We all wish them all good luck.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Farewell To Miss V

Ania Wrzesniacka, often known to the children as Miss V, has recently announced some lovely personal news and her intention to move to the Netherlands with her new partner in the New Year.

As a result, Ania will be leaving us at the end of this term. She has worked at the school for the last seven years and during this time she has built so many strong relationships with the children and the staff here. She will be very much missed.

Whilst we are all delighted for Ania, of course this means we are now on the lookout for a new Year 6 teaching assistant as well as manager of After School. This process is already well underway and I will continue to keep you all informed of our progress with this in due course.

Joe Thackway

Safeguarding - Pupils Arrival and Collection

Please ensure that you wait with your child(ren) at drop off until the school's opening at 8.15am. It is only at this time that school becomes responsible for all children's safe care. Before this time it is a parental duty.

Please note, however, that all children can be brought by their parents, to the front door, at any time from 7.45am to 8.15am where they will be welcomed and looked after by our Early Bird staff as appropriate for their age. This does not need to be booked in advance but a charge will apply.

All children should be in school by 8.40am which is when the bell rings for the start of the school day.

Also, please let the school office and/or your child's form teacher know if someone else will be collecting your child at the end of the day. We cannot release pupils without this information.

Mr Webb
Designated Safeguarding Lead 

Maths Week England

As part of Maths week, next week, we will be running a few extra exciting Maths events as well as a full Maths Timetable throughout the school. 

  • Times Table Rockstars are running England Rocks! A competition that all Year 1 to Year 6 can contribute to - details in this Courier
  • Interhouse Maths Trail for the trophy and to contribute a house point for every correct answer
  • Daily puzzles and conundrums set from the Maths Week England Team
  • Challenge posters set up in cosy corner at lunchtimes
  • There is also a national competition on the year's theme '3 is the Magic Number'

We look forward to the fun week ahead.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Academic

Cut Your Carbon Campaign

The Green Team have set a challenge for pupils and teachers to 'Cut Your Carbon' during the month of November. 

This is a National Eco-Schools challenge to educate and ask pupils and their families to take 9 simple actions at home to cut their carbon footprint. All pupils will receive an A4 sheet (during their science lesson) with the actions they can take and guidance on the back. The children should return their sheet by the end of November and the Green Team will work out which class has cut their carbon the most. 

It would be great if you could send in any photos of your child completing one of the 9 actions. Please send to Mrs Johnson

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT

Maths Is An Art Form Competition

Maths England are keen to help students realise that there is far more to mathematics than just calculations and tests. To this end they are introducing a new competition this year to fit with our theme - we’re calling it the A3 challenge! There is one for Primary and one for Secondary schools.

Pupil's need to produce a piece of artwork which celebrates the number 3 in some way – but on a piece of A3 paper! To make it fair to all, designs are to be hand-drawn rather than computer-generated. 

All entries to be handed into Ms Forth by 4pm on Wednesday 15 November.  You could win a copy of Alex Bellos' book Snowflake, Seashell star.  Maths England may use any entries on their website.

Ms Forth
Deputy Head - Curriculum