Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

Everyone in school has been enjoying the warm and sunny weather of the last week and hoping that it just might last into the half term break. Whisper it quietly, but the forecast is quite encouraging, and I know many of you are looking forward to getting away someone nice.

In school this week, the children have taken advantage of the sunshine, with lots of activities taking place outside, not least our outdoor learning sessions and also preparations for upcoming sports days. The Upper School version of this takes place over at Princethorpe College on the second day back after our return from the half term holiday, of which there are further details elsewhere in this newsletter. Reception and Years 1 and 2 have to wait a little longer for theirs, until 19 and 20 June respectively.

We enjoyed two really interesting assemblies this week, which very much fell into the ‘good citizen’ part of our School Promise. Pawprints Dog Trust charity came to see us on Tuesday accompanied by a very well-behaved dog, which the children immediately fell in love with. It was interesting to learn about the work of the charity and also for the children to be given some really good advice on how to safely interact with dogs, their own or those that they might meet. On Wednesday we had a visit from Mrs Melia to update us on our Bwengu Malawi Project, where we presented her with a cheque for an amazing £2011, following the fundraising efforts of last term.

Bwengu Projects is a charity we have had a long-standing relationship with, other charities are chosen on a termly basis after a discussion and vote by the school children's council. Generally, we try to support one local charity each year, one national charity and one international one. Many thanks to all Crescent families for your generous donations to all of these school supported charities.

With the lovely weather on the horizon, I intend to spend quite a bit of my half term getting my cycle legs back as I am planning a long-distance route around Scotland in the summer. I am planning on camping as I go, which creates some logistical challenges, so I might need to test some of these out.

Whatever you have planned for the break, I hope it goes smoothly and I look forward to seeing you and the children back in school on Monday 5 June.


Joe Thackway