Around The Classes

Reception Round Up

Some of the things the children have been learning...
Our work in Literacy has been based around the stories, The Gingerbread Man and Jack and the Beanstalk. We have had lots of opportunities for ‘free writing’ and been practising using simple punctuation in our sentences.

In Maths we have been revising doubling, halving and sharing. We have enjoyed lots of practical activities to reinforce our learning in real life experiences. We have revised telling the time to the hour, matching analogue and digital times. We have also introduced half past.

In our personal, social and emotional development, we have explored what makes us feel angry and how we show anger. We talked about ways to deal with angry feelings and had fun making angry faces!

Some of the things the children will be learning in the weeks to come...
After half term we will begin out new topic, ‘Growing and Changing.’ We will be growing beans and seeds and using the stories - Jasper's Beanstalk, The Tiny Seed, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, as focus texts. We will be sorting living and non-living things and be learning about the parts of a plant. We will be learning about the life cycle of frogs and butterflies and taking a trip to Stratford Butterfly Farm to see these changes in real life.
In phonics we have been revising Phase 3 sounds; (digraphs and trigraphs)...
These are in the children’s reading records so please take every opportunity to practise these as part of your daily reading routine.
How to help your child at home...
  • Identify simple punctuation in stories – full stops, capital letters, question marks, speech marks
  • Encourage the children to write simple sentences independently – children can write words as they sound using their phonic knowledge
  • Practise writing capital letters and corresponding lower-case letters
  • Practise simple addition and subtraction money problems. (to 20p)
  • Play board games to practise counting on
  • Practise sharing equally – make connections with doubling and halving
  • Practise telling the time that includes o’clock and half past
What’s going on next half term/ notices/ information...
Many thanks to everyone who came to one of the ‘Show and Tell’ sessions. The children love sharing their achievements and it’s amazing to see the progress they’ve all made in their first year at school. The children’s books and journals will be sent home at the end of the term so don’t worry if you didn’t manage to join us.
Mrs Pullen
Reception Class Teacher
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Class 1S Thank You FoC! 

A big thank you to the FoC and all the parents that supported our Bake Sale last month. The children have been thrilled with their new tech toys, craft sets and our newest member of the class, Tabby the cat! 

Mrs Stapleton
Class 1S Form Teacher
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Class 1Q Round Up

In English this week, we have been working on expanded noun phrases, to uplevel our sentences. In RE this half term, we have been studying many Saints. This week we looked at St. Joseph. We had a look into his life and picked out some key facts. In Art this week, we created Lilypad's which we all really enjoyed. We did so by layering coloured tissue paper on to card, to form our water and create our pond plant.  

Miss Quirke
Class 1Q Form Teacher
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Class 1S Marvellous Monet  

We’ve been looking into the beautiful landscapes by the impressionist painter Claude Monet. One of our projects developed our collaging skills to create his famous lillypads which made for a striking display! 

Mrs Stapleton
CLass 1S Form Teacher
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Year 1 Super Scientists Club

Mrs Johnson’s super scientists explored the properties of water today. In their lunchtime club, the Year 1s carefully arranged a handful of skittles on a paper plate. They poured a small amount of water over the skittles and watched what happened. They were fascinated by the patterns that appeared as the colour coating of the skittles dissolved and spread through the water. A gentle tap of the plate and the colours began to mix creating even more patterns and surprise surprise the underneath of the sweet was now white. Next week the youngsters will be making rainbows – what a lot of super science fun.

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Year 2 Potates

Year 2 have been inspecting the growth of their potatoes today and the pupils were very excited to see that lots of root tubers had grown.  

Mrs Johnson
Science and DT Teacher 

Year 2 Art

Classes 2E and 2W have had fun creating their own seaside collage. They first had to look closely at the overall shape of the seascape then they experimented with different colours and materials to produce exciting textured pictures.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art
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Year 2 DT

In Design & Technology, Year 2 are designing and creating moving vehicles. The pupils have started to make a chassis, axles and wheels for unique designs.  

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT



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Class 2E Forest School

It’s the turn of 2E to experience Forest School. We had a great time exploring together in our outdoor learning environment. In our first session we had the opportunity to make some bees using sticks, pinecones, tissue paper and wool. We learnt to tie knots and help each other to succeed when we found the craft tricky. Some of the children constructed a wonderful den, using the tree trunks and branches, they even secured the tarpaulin to make it water proof (although we didn’t test this)!! Others challenged themselves to climb and explore the area. 

The second week Mrs Dowling encouraged us to look for our names in nature. We surprised ourselves by finding the letters of our names hidden in trees, fence posts and flowers. We always look forward to Forest School it’s a fabulous part of our Tuesday, thank you Mrs Dowling.

Mrs Olner
Teaching Assistant
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Class 2W Colour Palette 

In Outdoor Learning this week, members of 2W were challenged to find as many colours in the school grounds as possible and attach a sample to their palette. They found natural and manmade colours that covered the rainbow. Everyone found over ten different colours, some over thirty. It's an easy activity to do on a walk over half term, all you need is a piece of cardboard and some double-sided tape. 

Ms Forth
Deputy Head
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Class 2W Music

Class 2W have been composing rhythms on percussion instruments and playing them to each other. They then combined some of the rhythms to make a longer piece.

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music
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