Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents

I hope you have enjoyed as productive a week in work and at home as we have here at school. The sport that I mentioned last week has carried on uninterrupted into our second week of the half term and we also enjoyed a choral workshop over at Crackley Hall, as well as our World Science Day focus in lessons on Thursday. I particularly enjoyed one comment from a parent who had attended the finale of the choral workshop who said, ‘I would happily have paid good money to see something of such good quality’. Well done to those children who took part.

Today we had our remembrance service on the school playground, where we followed a different format to our normal one. This time, Year 2 children asked questions about remembrance, and our Head Boy and Head Girl gave them straight forward, easy to understand answers. We try hard to strike the balance between remembering the dreadful reality of armed conflict and the sensitivities of young children. At the same time, we try to make this as inclusive for everyone as we can. It was a short service, only 10 minutes long, and I hope we pitched it right.

Something else in the news this week has been the COP 27 conference in Egypt, and I have spent some time focusing on the issues this raises in my Geography lessons during the week. One interesting side-line to this is the use of LED lights in the school which are so much more energy efficient than the traditional style. With this in mind, we undertook a survey that showed just over 30% of our lights have yet to be converted to LED and we have begun to rectify this as rapidly as we can. I have noticed that lights have been turned off more regularly in the school as well and it is good to see that we are doing everything we can to save electricity. I look forward to the Green Club’s presentations in assembly next week on our ‘Switch Off Fortnight’ efforts that begin next week.

I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend with your families.

Joe Thackway