
Pastoral Message From Mr Webb

Dear Parents and Children

I hope you've all taken opportunity over the last 7 days to follow up on family conversations regarding your child's safe network of adults during this lockdown period.  As adults too it's really stood out to me the extent to which we all need to turn to our most trusted family members and friends during times of worry and stress such as these.

I was having a conversation earlier this week whereby, whilst agreeing that these times are in many ways bizarre, that we all relatively quickly revert to new routines and rhythms in our lives.  I know that I have appreciated a return to timetables and a working structure this week and I expect that many of the children will have found some comfort in this too.  Several parents have commented upon how well they have responded to the return to home learning.

The weather has so helped to break this effectively too (as we would in school with playtimes etc..)  At home we've come to rely on a daily walk and time spent outside.  It's all to easy to spend an unbalanced amount of time looking at a screen of one variety or another.

I attach this useful advice which I think I've shared before but may, once again, be useful to revisit as adults and children for the remainder of this lockdown period in aiming for as balanced a lifestyle as possible!

Internet Matters - Screentime

Wishing you all a healthy and relaxing weekend,

Mr Webb
Crescent Safeguarding Lead
Head of Pastoral Care

CLANG Of The Week

Happy Friday!

Well, I think it’s Friday? Do you, like me, find that days are getting confused as we don’t have the normal routine or afterschool activities we have been used to?

We have completed the first week of home learning using the Seesaw platform and it has given us a window into your lives to help us connect better and hear of what is going on at home. I loved hearing how excited Bella was when spotting a baby hare in the field next door and sharing Grace’s birthday with her and seeing her amazing rainbow cake. They are small things which make a big difference. As we look back, try and hold onto the positives of staying well, staying safe and still having an opportunity to learn and grow.

I’m not saying it has been an easy week, far from it, but I do believe that being mindful of what can be achieved and recognising if something is a ‘step too far’, has been a valuable lesson to us all.

So my CLANG of the week has been:

I’ve loved seeing children’s videos, pictures and messages each day.
I’ve learned to teach by filming in front of a laptop rather than a class which is very weird!
Loved cycling early in the morning and passed a pond in Willoughby with 10 baby ducklings swimming by.
How tiring sitting down and looking at a screen all day is; I couldn’t work in an office!
it’s been good to give my time in supporting staff this week and to be in school supporting keyworker children.

How has your week been? Can you identify your own CLANG of the week? 

Stay safe, stay home and look after each other, both physically and emotionally.

Mrs Stapleton
Head of Wellbeing