Around The Classes

Class 3LS Spanish

Class 3LS have been learning how to ask questions in Spanish. They have also learnt phrases to communicate key information about themselves. Here they are practising their speaking skills successfully.

Mrs Day
MFL Teacher

Class 3SS English

This week Class 3SS have continued to follow the adventures of Max the Hedgehog from our text, The Hodgeheg. We considered what Max would ask the animals who lived in the park. The children wore masks to get into role, practised their conversations, planned their writing using speech bubbles, before writing the dialogue using all the speech structure and punctuation we have been practising.

Mrs Stapleton
Class 3SS English Teacher
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Class 4C Brandon Marsh

Year 4 had a hands on experience at Brandon Marsh Nature Reserve this week. As part of their topic on 'Living Things and their Habitats' pupils went minibeast hunting; they used classification keys to identify and group their finds. The children learnt how to sample animals from their habitats using different techniques and they thorougly enjoyed pond dipping, where they learnt about the different species in this habitat. As part of the day the class were asked to reflect on their own personal actions to take care of nature. 

Mrs Johnson
Head of Science and DT
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Class 4C Music

Class 4C are busy rehearsing the songs for their upcoming drama production, Jack and the Beanstalk. There are a lot of words to remember, and all the songs are in two parts, which is hard work for a single class to manage, but they are nailing it!

Mrs Barnes
Director of Music

Class 5F Art

This week in Art, Class 5F have been looking closely at the structure and texture of different flowers. They have used a variety of sketching marks to add sensitivity and tone to their sketches.

Mrs Thackway
Head of Art

Class 5F English

Class 5F are reading Kensuke’s Kingdom this term. They have been studying the descriptive language on different pages then worked collaboratively to create a map from what they had read. It was lovely to see the listening that was happening as they showed their creativity.

Mrs Webb
Class 5F English Teacher

Class 6W Sun Awareness Assembly

The children in Year 6 have been hard at work preparing for next week's sun awareness assembly. They will present lots of interesting and challenging facts and figures to the school to improve our understanding of the harmful effects of too much sunshine, and what we can all do to keep yourself safe during the summer months.

We are hoping that this will act as a reminder to the weather gods that we would actually quite enjoy some sunshine, so we can put these important ideas into practise.

Mr Thackway