Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

Whilst the same can't be said of the temperatures just yet, the new term here at school has certainly been hotting up over the week gone by.

I particularly enjoyed a walk around the children’s outdoor learning and forest school activities this week. It was great to see so many of them actively engaged working together collaboratively and taking responsibility for their own learning. This applied to those children making dens and identifying mini-beasts in the forest school just as much as those figuring out how best to traverse the new climbing wall and avoid inevitable disaster on the large scale Jenga game. There was lots going on and the children are certainly enjoying this still-new and developing aspect of school life.

It has been an active week in many ways, with the Year 4 class having a fab time over at Brandon Marsh as part of their biodiversity studies, as well as the girls’ football tournament going ahead yesterday and tag rugby earlier in the week. The theme for games lessons has been more summer-like with athletics and cricket the main focus, and plenty more sport and outdoor activities to come over the remainder of the term.

I would just make a very quick plug for an article that is repeated in this week's Courier regarding the upcoming Birmingham 10-kilometre run. A number of parents and staff are taking part in this event to raise money for the Children's Hospital in memory of our great friend Barnaby Williams. I am giving it a go myself and have creaked into action over recent weeks in what I can loosely describe as ‘training’. Suffice to say my glory days, such as they were, are over when it comes to running, but please do have a look at this article and link if you'd like to contribute to the fund raising at all. There is also the Mud Run event coming up, as well as the Concert for Barnaby and football tournament, all planned for June, so lots to look forward to there. Barnaby, we won’t forget you.

Good luck to our swimmers taking part in the town gala on Saturday. I hope it goes well and thanks to those staff and parents who are helping out on the day; it is most appreciated.

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your families.

With all best wishes.

Joe Thackway