Important Information

Considerate Parking Reminder 

When parking around the school site to drop off and collect your children please be mindful of the needs of other road users and in particular the safety of pedestrians.

In particular, please avoid parking at or near to road junctions or over entrances to driveways. 

I have also included below the article from Warwickshire Police which they asked schools to circulate earlier this year:

Good Afternoon

Just a friendly reminder, now that schools are back can all parents/guardians dropping off or collecting their children, please adhere to all parking regulations. If you do not do so and park where you should not, you can end up with a parking ticket. 

If you have an issue with parking then please contact Rugby Borough Council. 

Warwickshire County Council have also authorised a vehicle to drive around and observe school parking, ticketing anyone who causes any traffic offences. 

Here is a flyer with some parking information. 

Warwickshire Police

Joe Thackway

Handwriting Pens for Upper School

Dear Parents

We have been reviewing which pens are suitable for children in school. As I am sure you are aware having the correct pen can make a big difference to handwriting and presentation, both of which are very important in all written subjects.

Each child will have different preferences, so we are recommending a range of pens for the children to have in school from Year 4. In Year 3 they are awarded a pen licence which comes with its own pen (Berol handwriting pen).

The options we expect to see in school are:

  • Parker or Lamy Fountain pen
  • Berol Handwriting pen
  • Staedtler Handwriting pen
  • Uniball Micro Air Rollerball pen
  • Uniball Eye Rollerball pen

These are all to be used with blue ink only. Please do not buy pens that have an erasable rubber- making mistakes is very much part of their learning.

Each child is an individual and certain pens will suit your child more than others; the summer holidays will be a good time for you to buy and try in readiness for the new term in September.

We have been specific as we feel this will be of help to you and beneficial to the children and their work. They should not be using biros at all in any of their schoolwork and fine liners are only allowed for additional presentation of work.

Thank you for your support with this. We look forward to seeing all the new pens (named of course) next term.

Best wishes

Mrs Webb/Mrs Yates
Head of English/SENDCo

Final Year 6 Reminders

Monday 3 July - School uniform and blazers to be worn. Please send in a large shopper bag, so all belongings from in desks and around the school can go home

Tuesday 4 July - School uniform and blazers to be worn, no PE kit needed.  Parents to enter the school field from 2pm for light refreshments and the Leavers' Service will commence at 2.30pm.

Wednesday 5 July - PE Kit to be worn to school with an old T-shirt/shirt/PE T-shirt that will be signed. They can wear this all day and to go home.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Pre-Prep Reading

With the end of term approaching, we are so very proud of the children and their reading progress within Pre-Prep; our reading schemes have supported them well.  We are intending to take a full stock take of the books in our scheme to ensure they remain both supportive and challenging for all and so we will collect in all the reading books from our Pre-Prep children in order to achieve this. We will then pass their folder to their next teacher in readiness for September.

Dates for your information.

  • Monday 3 July – Reading continues in school and home
  • Tuesday 4 July – All books returned to school for stock take

Of course, Reading Bugs remains accessible, with levelled reading books for all during this time.

Hope you have a great summer.

Mr Webb
Head of Pre-Prep