Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents 

It has been rather wet week in school and we haven’t had many of those recently. I’m sure the field and plants on site will benefit from the soaking over the next few weeks but it has sadly meant the cancellation of our sports fixtures this week.

The rain however did not put a dampener on the Year 3 residential visit to Whitemoor Lakes. I was able to get along on both days and I was really impressed with the quiet, well organised atmosphere at the centre in general and by the excellent behaviour of the Crescent children in particular. They got wholeheartedly involved in all of the activities and never grumbled about the rain. They were polite and respectful to their teachers and to the staff from the centre. Most importantly of all, they clearly had great fun and found it all very exciting and are already looking forward to their trip to Rock UK next year. Many thanks indeed to Mrs Stapleton and Miss Hanson who did such a great job leading the party and doing so much to create a spirit of friendly collaboration in the class.

Open evening on Tuesday avoided the showers and we had a healthy turn out of new families. Many thanks as always to you and all of the children for your support at these events.

Very well done indeed to our JLR Challenge team last week who represented the school with such pride and enthusiasm. It was our first go at entering this competition and we came away with a highly creditable performance and top prize for the best verbal presentation to the judges. Congratulations to all of the Cobras and to Mrs Byrne.  

After all the excitement of the Champion’s League football semi-finals this week I am off to Villa Park with my son to watch the first leg of the play-offs on Saturday. As hardened Villa fans, we will be hoping for the best but as always preparing for disaster. On Sunday we will be joining the FoC for the Draycote Charity walk.  I hope to see many of you there.

Joe Thackway

School Promise Rule Of The Week

For a two or three week period this year we will be focusing on one of the sayings in the School Promise. We will talk about this in assembly and in form period. It would be great if you could discuss this with your children at home and support the messages we are emphasising in school.

We continue with the category of Good Friends and focus on the theme of good manners. Simple acts of courtesy and kindness can make such a difference to our quality of life and it is something we value very highly at Crescent, as I know you do at home.

'We use our manners all the time'

Joe Thackway