Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

I hope that your half-term breaks were a chance for some relaxation, and we were fortunate to get some quite nice weather along the way. I managed to get a couple days in walking the fells in the Lake District with Mrs Thackway, which was a treat. My youngest son Hugh is currently studying hard for his A level exams so didn’t come with us. I must admit the young folk today take their studying a lot more seriously than we did in our day (or maybe was that just me, I don’t know). 
It is always lovely seeing the children return from their holidays refreshed and ready to go, and this week has been no different. Sports Day for the Upper School on Tuesday was a fine occasion, and somehow the fact we managed to tiptoe between the weather forecast and the showers made it even more satisfying. The children were tremendously excited, but channelled that in the right direction with their sporting behaviour and that was particularly pleasing to see. There were a number of very exciting performances and I'm sure you'll be able to read about those further on in today's newsletter. 
Like me, you will have been watching and reading a good deal about the D-Day landings in the news over the last few days and we reflected on that crucial historical event in our assembly this morning. As always, we did this in an age-appropriate way but we felt it was important to mark the occasion and help the children develop a growing understanding of what can be a troubled world.  
This weekend is an important one in our ongoing commemoration and celebration of the life of Barnaby Williams as well. This afternoon we ran our Concert for Barnaby with lots of children taking part and expressing their happy memories of their time with their friend. Tomorrow morning, we have the first of what I hope will become an annual Barnaby Bear football tournament, and I hope to see many of you there for that. For those brave parents and children taking part in the Wolf Run on Sunday, best of luck and what a great cause you are supporting. 
Whatever you have planned for the weekend I hope it goes well and I look forward to catching up with you over the last four weeks of the term.  

With my best wishes.

Joe Thackway