Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Message

Dear Parents and Friends of the School

Well, there’s no denying that the announcement from Rishi Sunak on Wednesday evening caught us all by surprise. It has been a topic on many people’s lips over the last few days and no doubt will continue to be so in the run up to the election, which occurs just after the children have broken up at the end of this term. You will also be receiving a communication on this from Ed Hester, Foundation Principal, into your inboxes this evening.

Whilst we may have views about some of the policies that are being put forward in this election, we will as a school of course be remaining entirely neutral in terms of the parties themselves. As always, I expect we will use it as an opportunity to educate the children on the democratic process and the importance of fairness and balance.

Grove du Toit, Headmaster at Princethorpe College, has asked me to pass on an invitation to Princethorpe’s Open Evening on Wednesday 5 June, this will be of interest to Year 5 and Year 4 families, though all are of course welcome. The Crescent team will also be on hand, so do come and say hello.

If you attended the recent Parents’ Information Session after the Year 5 Taster Day, you will have heard me say that it does not matter which school your child attends. The number one consideration must be their happiness. You as parents are best suited to make that decision and to know where you child will find their passions and have their love of learning nurtured. My best advice is to get to know each school you are considering. Make sure you visit and ask questions. With this in mind, you have a fantastic opportunity to put us to the test during our Open Evening. Even if you have attended before, seeing us on a glorious summer evening (fingers crossed for good weather) does show the very best we have to offer. There will be colleagues and pupils on hand to answer questions about subjects, sport, admissions, SEND, scholarships, trips, performing arts, and anything else you may be wondering about. I will address parents in the Chapel and will be happy to discuss any questions or queries you may have. Refreshments, including the famous Princethorpe cookies, will also be on offer - it really is a lovely, relaxed evening where you can wander the campus and children can take part in so many different activities.

If you would like to take me up on my invitation, please click here to book by Monday 3 June. An open invitation to meet with me is also always available - we can combine this with an individual tour by our Sixth Formers during a working day to ensure you experience our Spirit of Family first hand. With best wishes, Grove du Toit

Back here in little old Crescent, it has been another great week with so much going on and plenty for the children to engage in and enjoy. The Year 6s have had a fantastic five days going wild in the country down in Devon in amongst the showers, and back here we have had trips to the local Gurdwara as well as the ISA athletics yesterday, not to mention today’s penguin-themed fundraising for the World Wildlife Fund.

The Year 3 drama performance on Tuesday was an absolute triumph. I know I always say that, but it genuinely was, and there was a number of people in the audience with tears in their eyes as they listened to the stories of the hardship and resilience of the wartime period. The children rose to the occasion and I know that parents will have been immensely proud of them, as were we.

Whatever lies on the more distant horizon, in the meantime we have May half term break to enjoy. I hope you have something nice planned, and the good old weather holds up for us as well.

With my best wishes.

Joe Thackway