Important Information

Nigeria Day Celebrations

We love to take opportunities to celebrate the diversity of cultural backgrounds of the children in the school.

This Sunday 1 October marks Nigeria Day and we will be learning about this in a special assembly planned for Tuesday 3 October, and further workshops on October 17 and 18. I’m delighted to say that the assembly and workshops will be provided by parents of children in the school of Nigerian heritage. They will cover a range of fascinating areas, such as dress, language, food and dance.

On a similar theme, we are looking towards putting together a ‘cultural heritage day’ in the Lent Term, and it would be lovely to have parents from a whole variety of cultural backgrounds sharing their experiences and knowledge with the children. We will be putting out a quick form to ascertain interest in this nearer the time, so please look out for this when it comes.

Joe Thackway 

Accelerated Reading Certificates.

Accelerated Reading have redesigned their system over the summer as most of you will have noticed. Part of this system update is the inability now to create certificates as we have in the past; in addition to this they now do not start the children from where they finished last term. All certifications are on their Home Connect which you have hopefully signed up to. 

We all regularly monitor if the children have quizzed, this is celebrated and stars are added to the board on a nearly daily basis.

Thank you for your continued support with reading.

Mrs Webb
Assistant Head

Slapton Information Session

Thank you to the parents who joined us on Monday to find more out about the Year 6 residential to Devon in May. If you could not make it, please take the time to read through the PowerPoint and also look at the FAQS. If you have any further questions then please be in touch.

Mrs Webb
Class 6W Form Teacher

Dogs On Site

In line with many, if not all, primary aged schools, dogs are not allowed on the main school site. If you come to school with a dog please keep it on a lead and avoid coming onto the main site beyond the drop off gate (the one next to the parents’ noticeboard) and the Afterschool gate.

With thanks for your understanding and support on this important health and safety matter.

Joe Thackway


Considerate Parking Reminder 

When parking around the school site to drop off and collect your children please be mindful of the needs of other road users and in particular the safety of pedestrians.

In particular, please avoid parking at or near to road junctions or over entrances to driveways. 

I have also included below the article from Warwickshire Police which they asked schools to circulate earlier this year:

Good Afternoon

Just a friendly reminder, now that schools are back can all parents/guardians dropping off or collecting their children, please adhere to all parking regulations. If you do not do so and park where you should not, you can end up with a parking ticket. 

If you have an issue with parking then please contact Rugby Borough Council. 

Warwickshire County Council have also authorised a vehicle to drive around and observe school parking, ticketing anyone who causes any traffic offences. 

Here is a flyer with some parking information. 

Warwickshire Police

Joe Thackway