Digital Citizenship

Top Tips for Younger Children

According to Ofcom’s most recent research, a significant proportion of children are already online by the time they start school, with 17% of 5-year-olds owning their own mobile phone and 50% using messaging platforms. As such a major part of day-to-day, becoming familiar with technology is generally encouraged in younger children – up to a point course! It is absolutely essential that we recognise both the benefits and the risks of younger children accessing devices and going online.

At Crescent, Digital Citizenship lessons start immediately from Reception, as it is vital to instil the basics of these skills in pupils straight away, giving us a strong platform to build on as they move through the school. Please take a look at the attached guide full of helpful tips for how to allow your child to safely engage with online technology…if you choose to of course!

Mr Adkins
Head of Digital Learning