FoC Update And Summer Fete Donations

It's been another busy time for FoC! Here are some highlights of the past week: 

  • The 1S Bake Sale raised £172 which they hope they enjoy spending! Well done to everyone who braved the monsoon! 
  • We have now received the BACS transfer from Bag2School which raised a healthy £88. Thanks to all those who contributed 
  • During the school Coronation Celebrations last Friday we were delighted to supply every child with an ice cream. It was certainly a good day for sugar! 
  • On Wednesday Laura and I were thrilled to officially open the new Playground Panels in the Cosy Corner area of the playground. These were funded by the profits from the quiz, Christmas Bazaar and Discos and wouldn't have been possible without the fantastic support we receive from parents. 

Summer Fete donations needed

It's that time again - and with the fete happening so soon after half term we need to start collecting donations now! Please drop them in to the office or the side door at drop-off. We are looking for:

Chocolates, biscuits, toys, wine etc all appreciated.
We appreciate any smaller items you can give - such as pens, games, lego sets, sweets, toys, craft items.
Teddy stall
The teddy stall is back and this year the profits from the stall will all go to charity, so if you need a teddy rehomed please drop it in to school!

Foc Chair